Sleeping Pill

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A year ago, there was a pill that was made to make you not have to sleep ever again, and some people I know chose to take it. I chose to keep sleeping, because I liked that nice feeling, and it was new, so I didn't know what it could bring. A year later, in the present, people are starting to act strange. My friends who took the pill started to act irritable and annoyed, and they also were struggling to stay well conscious, and they were always on the line of going to sleep, but the pill still kept them awake. I told them, then begged for them to stop taking the pill, as it was detrimental to our work. They refused. Later, I wrote a letter to the company producing them, and they denied what happened. They claimed that they took the pill, and nothing happened to them. Then, it started happening to more people. Schoolteachers were advised to not use it because of the seen events, but some still took it, and they had to be fired just solely under that fact that they took that pill with the effects in them. I asked again, while the world was going on a downhill spiral. I received barely legible scribbles. As soon as the company saw the effects, they increased the production speed. I understood this. The more you took, the more sleepy you would be.

And that is my narrative. I couldn't find the picture, sorry. We had to face off against each other to go to the next round. I went against someone else and I won against them, so I get to compete against about 17 people!!!! Go for me!! (*o*)

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