Q&A #1 - Apr 19, 2017

71 9 14

Asked by MammaFall

When did we start dating!? (I don't even remember XD

Skylar: I'm not really sure. It might have been at the end of August, September. :p

Asked by Maige-B

Favorite memory?Favorite place?Favorite Smell?Favorite instrument(s)?

Skylar: 1.Meeting Jozy and you
2. On the top of a tree that is at the edge of a forest near my house
4.Piano, Violin, and Drumbit

Asked by ___Mystic___

*reads title* okay then,wHaAt iS yOuR fAvOrItE cOlOr?Lol, jk but I guess, 'What was your favorite book to write and why?' :)

Skylar: My favorite book to write now is 'In Love with a Glitch' because it's going to be the first book that I finish 100%. I also like it because it was my first full world that I created mentally

Asked by Spnlover18

If you could go anywhere, real or fictional, where would you go?

Skylar: Honestly I guess my Au or sis's au

Asked by PsychofoxGAMING

Ok why did you make an account

Skylar:I made it to read Creepypasta and comment how much I liked it.

Asked by ThePiezs

On a scale of one to ten what's your favourite color of the alphabet? :0

Skylar: 8. My favorite color is yellow 

Asked by candyhearts573

Hmmmm If you were to meet anyone real, fake, or wattpadian, who would you meet??

Skylar: Jozzzzzzy and Maige


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