Life (May 17, 2017)

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If you have food in the fridge, clothes in your cupboard, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, then you're richer than 75% of people on Earth.

If you have money in your wallet, and saving in your bank account, then you're among the 8% of rich people on Earth.

If you're healthy, then you're happy because 1 million people will pass away this week.

If you don't know what war, hunger, or prison are, then you're happier than 500 million people on Earth.

And if you can read this text, then you're happier than 3 billion people on Earth who can't read it.

Life isn't always plain sailing.

But that's life, isn't it?

7 secrets of Life (1:10)

The secret of Wealth:
First learn to give, and then receive

The secret of Love:
Give love and don't try to change those you love.

The secret of Beauty:
Accept and love your body.

The secret of Freedom:
Don't think about what others think about you.

The secret of Reality:
All of our thoughts are material.

The secret of Friendship:
Don't be an occasional friend. Always be by their side.

The secret of Happiness:
Doubtless, Live more.


According to Buddhism, of our suffering is in our attachment to things.

Don't think so much about the future: nothing is predetermined.

Live for the moment.

Learn to let things go. Don't cling on to the 'What If's

What happens is meant to happen.

People won't be who you want them to be.

Accept them as they are.

Stop trying to control everything in life.

Recognize your uniqueness.

You can't change the past.

Pain is inevitable but suffering is voluntary.

Be brave and let yourself be happy.


Never ask him to stay.

Love is not begged for, it depends on both sides.

When only one person is fighting for it, the chances of emotional exhaustion are high.

Being lonely together is the worst thing possible.

The longer you try to keep a hold of someone, the higher the chance that you'll lose them and hurt yourself.

Accept the end of your relationship in order to move forward.

This an opportunity to discover a new love

That is truly worth it!


I have a big family- there's 8 of us.

My parents have six kids.

I study in a different city at university, and from time to time I recall that when I was a teenager I dreamed of being the only child in my family.

You feel so ashamed at those moments when you come home and a gang of brothers and sisters, all different ages, descends on you with sincere smiles and joy in their eyes.

Or when you observe your little siblings arguing with each other.

On the whole, big families are cool!


Sometimes, 15 minutes of communication with a good person is enough to make someone want to go on living.

If a person doesn't reach out to you, leave them in peace.

5 harsh truths about people(5:23)

No. 1
People hurt you first and then pretend you're at fault

Many people love only themselves.

(Here I give up XD I can't write anymore. This is for people who the video won't work for)

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