Final Congrats

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I bow my head in respect to you, the dear reader and kind person I can call friend.

You have finally reached the end of this book which once held so much art and then fell to coas.

I'm impressed in how long you have been here. Not many survive to tell the story I have created or tried.

Call me what you want. The pages have shown something that can remind you of somethings sweet, sour, kind and cruel.

The pictures show to you, the reader how much we try to pour our hearts into our(the artists) art. We show our pain, our happiness, our sadness.

We share it with the world and try to sometimes change it through art.

It never works but we know we can try.

Artists may not talk much.

But you must know that our art, shows you how we feel. We sometimes can't show our pain but our art screams to you for help.

Don't think this is over yet. It has just begun. Art can never be destroyed.

I'll see you all in My Art Book 7: Smile More.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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