Chapter 13 Serpent Surprise

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With the serpent now insane we could fight again. There was another chance given, and this time we will take it. Without lowering our guard, or getting cocky.

Before we could take the chance she said " I haven't had to use this in a long time but here it goes." As she proceeded to bite herself. She grew 3 sizes and was a lot stronger.

We had to work together to stand a chance. Now knowing that the weapons had secrets, I thought that one of them could have an ability to make this easier. Then I used my special magic to see if anything changed.

Nothing happened, so it looks like we need to find them out on our own. We proceeded to attack her. We were pushed back, but we did some damage at least.

She pulled her fangs out and used them like curved sword. They seemed to be unbreakable and sharp. Since she pulled out her fangs I could see weak points on her, but I would never had been able to reach it.

I pointed them out to Byto so that he could use his magic arrows on it. He shot one of the with a darkness arrow. It hit dead on and she was incapacitated for a couple seconds.

She dropped her fangs on to the ground to cover the wound where one of he fangs used to be. In her confusion I to one of the fangs off the ground and forcefully stuck it back in backwards. She covered that wound to after removing the fang again.

We took the time we had to point out more weak points and we strategized on how to defeat her. We came up with a plan Owa told us that snakes have a weak underbelly. So when she got back up we shot, stabbed, and hit her stomach area.

We had the upper hand now. If only we could have figured it out sooner. Owa and I used our speed to get behind her and attack from behind while Byto kept her busy in the front.

In between attacks I saw some thing on Owa's shield. It was a hole in the shape of Byto's bow, and another that looked like the blade key that turned on the chair thing in my heart. I asked if he had noticed it before, he simply replied "no".

We met up after a minute or 2 of dealing decent damage. Owa laid down his shield, Byto laid down his bow, and I laid down my dagger. Slowly and carefully I put them together.

Nothing happened at first. I felt dissapointed that I couldn't find out the secrets. Then when all 3 of us picked up our weapons at the same time something happend. They started glowing again, but this time they formed together.

They turned into a giant rifle. We all had to touch it for it to exist. I fuel the ammo with magic, Owa carries a blast shield, and Byto pulls the trigger.

When we did this magic bursted out of the barrel. In the form of a bullet. The first time we did it, it was lightning magic.

It fried the serpent general, but It wasn't enough to kill her. We used all the magic the 3 of us had for that moment. We had to wait for us to regenerate our magic power while the serpent general was still to injured to fight.

We let go of the rifle so it turned back into our weapons. We were able to get most of my magic power back when the serpent general gained consciousness. We picked up our weapons agreeing that we will only use the rifle if necessary.

We got close to her when she turned back to normal. She had only enough strength to speak. She said "when your done with me there's only 2 people to fight,*cough*, the one you've seen before, and the boss. Before I go you should know the name of the one you've been fighting, my name is,*cough*, Sero."

Sero lost consciousness again. I stopped the slow space and told the ones who weren't there what happened. I went over to Sero and collected her fangs. I put them in a safe place where she would never find them.

We took her unconscious body to the same magic canceling room Mr. Reso stayed in. I was trying to think how strong the other 2 would have to be, all night. I thought to myself "I haven't seen the boss and it's safe to assume that he'd the strongest, and I shouldn't under estimate the other guy just because he's old"

I decided to stop thinking about it and just do what we've been doing and going with what comes at us. I was called to Sero's prison cell when she woke up. I went in to talk to her.

She stood there not answering any of the questions I asked her. She was so silent that I couldn't even hear her breath. Then I realized that she wasn't breathing.

I couldn't get to her in time to save her from suffocating herself. I don't know what made her do it. Maybe she just couldn't face her boss after she was captured. It was too bad I really thought I could influence her into joining us, but now that chance was gone.

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