chapter 3 (unknown)

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Unknown: hey :)
Elaina: umm who is this ?
Unknown: guess
Elaina: 🤔 I this Sabrina? Did you get a new number ?
Unknown: no this is not Sabrina 😂
Elaina: I give up who is it 😂 and how did u get my number
Unknown: I got it from a dog
Unknown: go outside on your balcony :)

I had a feeling who it was going to be. To anyone else that would've been creepy. But I knew exactly who it was.

I opened the doors to my balcony and I see Emilio outside smiling. I giggled and bit my lip. I get so shy when I see him wtf. KMS.
"Hola Elaina" Emilio says

"Hola Emilio" I say.
"Un momento, I need to call someone." He says.
"Uh okay" I say.

He puts his phone to his ear.
I hear my phone ringing. I laugh throwing my head back from his cuteness. I grab my phone and see the number I was texting calling me. I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said laughing.
"Yes hello this is Emilio Martinez." He responds

We're basically having a conversation face to face but on the phone. Except he's on the other side of the wall between houses.

"Yes hello this is Elaina Caylen-Sanchez, may I help you" I responded with a big smile on my face.
"Well you see I just met a very pretty girl, I want to get to know her more. Do you think she'll like me" he asks.
"Maybe she might" I say.
"Hopefully," he says.

*skip to hours later*

"where would you want to go right now, anyplace in the world to visit?" i ask. "spain to see my family. But i love it here, i just miss my family" he says. 'where would you go?" he asks me back. "ive always wanted to go to New York, but right now i would go to Texas. I miss all my cousins".

We talked on the phone all day. I never left the balcony. He never left the backyard. I talked about myself and he talked about himself.

It was already night time. And I was still sitting in the balcony.

"Elaina?"he says even though I'm kinda falling asleep.
"Yes?" I reply
"Look up" he responds

I look up to see a sky full of stars. It's beautiful. Where I used to live there was too many buildings and lights that you couldn't really see the stars.

"Wow" I said. After a few moments I yawned.
"Goodnight Elaina" he says softly
"Goodnight Emilio" I respond.

I secretly screenshotted the call before I hung up. Hehe. I went inside and took off my clothes and only left in underwear and a t-shirt. I can't sleep with clothes on.

I laid down and turned off my phone. Then my eyes went heavy.

I opened my eyes and it was pouring raining outside. Jesus it's already 4:30 in the afternoon. I was asleep for that long ?I got up and looked outside the balcony and saw Emilio soaking wet with roses and a bear in his hands.
"I've been waiting for you all day and you never came out" he says. I felt so bad.

"Emil-" I respond hopelessly feeling guilty until he interrupted.
"I don't care what you have to say. I never want to see you again" he said as I see tears rolling down his face barely visible cause of the rain.

He threw the roses on the floor as well as the bear. He entered the house angrily.
"Emilio!!" I yelled his name crying.
"Emilio!!" I sat down on my chair and sobbed in the rain with my head in my knees. What have I done.





Mom's P.O.V:
I got up to grab a glass of water in the middle of the night. I can hear crying from Elaina's room. She always has bad dreams and sleep talks. But rarely crying.

I enter her room and she's crying and tossing and turning.
"Emilio" she whimpers. She continues to repeat Emilio.

"Honey, who is Emilio??" I say to her.
"I'm sorry Emilio" she responds.

I put the blanket over her and tucked her in. Just like I did when she was little.
"It's okay Elaina, go back to sleep" I say and move a strand of hair from her face and kiss her forehead.

Her balcony door is open. I got up and closed it including the curtains. I closed her door softly.

Elaina's P.O.V:

I woke up in tears and breathing heavily. It was only a dream. Thank god.

The Boy Next Door 🥀 // Emilio Martinez FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now