Chapter 3: Never Regret, Never Surrender

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Elizabeth's Point of View

I sit alone and stir the cappuccino with my spoon. 'What an odd place to end up.' I think to myself. To get lost in time is one thing, but to end up in a completely different place from where you started is downright impossible. At least, until now.

"2013," I mutter to myself. '118 years into the future. I knew that time travel was tricky but not to this extent.'

I look up from my delightful caffeinated drink and spot Nicholas walking back into the cafe with a beautiful girl. She has brown hair, brown eyes and is tall with a slender build. She was not wearing much which I thought was slightly atrocious. Men could get the wrong idea with the type of clothing these women wear. Style has taken a turn for the worst with tight tops and these black tights that every young girl seems to be wearing. My big purple dress sticks out like a sunflower in a field of weeds. Nicholas had even told me that I was crazy when we first met and I remember being a little taken back.

I never knew someone to speak their mind so freely and it is quite intriguing not having someone walk on eggshells around you. Everyone back home feared that my father would throw them in the dungeon or publicly humiliate them so I never had any friends. Only maids talked to me but even they had fun when they were off duty. But no, not for a princess.

Instead, I learned proper etiquette and the correct way to hold my teacup. I learned how to sit up straight and with confidence. I learned rule first, feel later. I learned how to command an army and go with my gut instinct.

Never regret, never surrender. I still feel my fathers deep glare cutting into me as he said those four words.

I never did surrender but I do regret. I regret that I could never see my fathers face when he found out that I had left. When I had taken the small device, supposedly his secret weapon, which I held tightly in my black bag and traveled to a new time where I would be free of him. Sure, I was not supposed to go into the future- let alone 118 years- but I could try to figure it all out later after a good nights rest.

I stood up as Nicholas was introducing me to his friend and held out my hand for her to shake. The girl, Melanie, gave me a weird look before accepting it. She probably had noticed my choice in clothing.

"Hello, how are you today?" I ask her, politely making conversation. Her and Nicholas got situated into the opposite side of the booth from me before she answered.

"I'm good, thanks! So how long have you two known each other?" Her voice was calm and held a bit of curiosity. I was about to answer but Nicholas spoke first.

"Since birth," he says, keeping his blue eyes on me the whole time as to tell me not to talk.

"Oh. So if you don't mind my asking, why do you have a British accent?"

I steal a quick glance at Nicholas and see his eyes widen and he shakes his head. Little does he know how well I can fake it.

"I spend a lot of my time there because my father lives there." I calmly lie. Thinking on the top of my head is yet another thing I learned inside those gloomy castle walls.

"So have you ever seen the Big Ben? That's where I am going in a couple of months. I cannot wait! Of course, I have been to the U.K. already but that was before I decided to become a photographer." She looked at Nicholas and her smile got even bigger than before.

"Oh yes! I love it! It sure is a beautiful sight to see," I said, mimicking her enthusiasm.

I sip my cappuccino and look over at Nicholas from the rim of my glass. He has a small smile that only I can see.

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