Loves of My Life part 2

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Part Two

Warnings: Slash. Graphic scenes. Threesome. If any of those aren't your cup of tea hit the back button.

Rated : M

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight

Pairings: Edward/Jasper/Harry

PoV: Harry

"Where are we going now?" I asked a little confused as Edward seemed to be rushing us.

"We're claiming you. I can't wait any longer and I don't think Jasper can either." Edward said in a rush.

"Oh." I replied before somewhat speeding up. "Lets get going then!" I was sick of waiting and I seemed to be getting the only thing I have ever wanted. I wasn't wasting any more time. What's that expression? Never look a gift horse in the mouth or something along those lines. I wasn't going to question this, I didn't want to. I just let myself go along with what I was feeling. And I felt wonderful.

Edward dragged me out of the cinema complex ignoring the questioning stares we were receiving from all directions. Jasper was following behind us and when I looked over my shoulder at his face I seen he was wearing a predatory, gleeful expression. He caught my gaze and gave me a lascivious smile wiggling his eyebrows at me. I returned a somewhat timid smile and turned back around noticing that Edward already had us by his car and opening the back door. He tossed the keys to Jasper and said "drive".

Edward then picked me up off the ground and practically tossed me into the back seat and I let out a very manly squeal of surprise and glared up at the taller godlike creature. He just smiled at me and hopped into the backseat with me.

I tried to sit back up but Edward just pushed me back down into the leather seats and pushed my leg off the side and settled himself kneeling back on his legs and between my legs, his face a mere inch away and licked his lips at me seductively. My eyes couldn't help but follow the pink tongue wetting his lips.

Edward brought his face closer to mine and pressed his lips against mine. I immediately respond and Edward sucks my lower lip into his mouth gently nibbling on it before releasing it and running his cold tongue over the worried lip. I opened my mouth and felt Edwards tongue quickly slide into my mouth playing with my own tongue battling and stroking in a fight for dominance.

He released my mouth leaving me panting for breath and moves down kissing and nibbling my jawline to the juncture between my neck and collarbone where he begins to kiss, nibble and suck with vigor. While recovering my breath I realized my shirt was open and my chest exposed and Edwards hands were at my hips. That and the fact that the car was moving.

I don't even remember Jasper opening the door let alone closing it behind him and starting the engine. I suppose I was distracted though. He was watching us in the rear view mirror with lust clear in his gaze. I couldn't help but moan when Edward's ministrations on my neck increased in sensation.

Edward kissed his way back up to my lips taking them into another lust filled kiss. His hand trailed from my hips down lower and lower before it rested on the erection I had been sporting ever since he tossed me into the car. He stroked me through my pants making me moan into his mouth. I break away from his kiss needing air and Edward shifted his position in the tight space and he nibbled and sucked his way down to my nipple biting down and I let out a loud groan. His cold tongue circles around my hardened nipple soothing it before he sucked it into his mouth and continued manipulating it wonderfully.

The door behind my head opens and I freak out and scream thinking I'm going to fall out of a moving car or something equally terrifying, but there stood Jasper grinning down at me with a dazzling smile and a very prominent erection . I hadn't even heard the car stop let alone realized we were already at their house. He tugged on my arm releasing the hold my hands had in his hair. I can't even remember fisting my hands into the wild messy hair.

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