Memories Untold

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The front door opened revealing a certain beauty that my heart once used to love so much...

She was talking to Em that she didn't even notice me until I coughed

?: So then she was like- Oh! Y/nn

I was frozen in my place. Why was this happening? I thought I moved on?

She took my hand and pulled me inside. She sat down on the couch and motioned me to sit down too

?: Hey! How are you? It's been awhile since we've last seen each other

Y/n: Oh I-I um...

Em mouthes to me "Breathe"

So I took a deep breath and sighed

Y/n: I'm fine...Yeah it has been awhile hasn't it? I remember before we were just sitting at the rooftop, watching the sunset and stuff...You know?

I saw her facial features soften as I reminded her of what used to be.

To be completely honest I still haven't moved on yet...Trust me.

I still miss her all the time and still think about what I did...

Why I let her go.

?: So...What do you do now? Do you have a job or something?

Y/n: Yeah I actually do...I'm the CEO of a great company and I do a lot of other things too.

I couldn't quite make out what her face was but something was telling me that she was surprised at everything I had just said

?: Hmm like what?

Y/n: Well Im a singer, songwriter, an author,an athlete, dancer, actor, you know those things

She giggles and puts her hand on top of mine

?: I'm here to support you...Just as much as I did before.

At that moment, I knew I didn't have to move on. Well not until this happened...

Somebody knocked- wait scratch that Somebody banged on the front door asking for her

??: Emily Fucking Fields open this goddamn door!

He might break the door so I rushed towards it and opened it.

He pushed me to the side and me not taking that as a friendly gesture clenched my fists and sprinted towards him and tackled him

She kept telling me to stop but I didn't listen. I kept punching him in the face and his gut, my hand started to hurt but I couldn't care less

No one messes with my bitches

Em: Y/n! Stop!

Y/n: Oh yeah? Why. The. Hell. Should. I?

?: Because he's my husband.


She's married?

Y/n: You're married?

I got off him and brushed my clothes

?: Yes, now would you mind getting the first aid for me?

I nodded quickly and searched for the nearest first aid kit I could find

I checked door after door until I opened the last one

Not only did I see the kit but I also saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen

Girl: Hey wha- Oh...Who are you?

Y/n: Hey, I'm YN

Girl: Hi, I'm-

Em: YN! Hurry up! The fucker downstairs needs stupid medical attention that he doesn't need

I laughed lowly and walked back to the living room, leaving my thoughts of the beautiful young lady stuck in my mind

?: YN hurry!! He's bleeding!!

YN: Yeah no shit

?: Just give me the kit asshole

YN: You're one to talk

?: You're one to punch

YN: He deserved it.

?: Why do you say so?

She said as she opened the kit and got bandages

You stopped and thought about it

Ugh why did I say that

YN: Because I get pissed when people push me without any reason.

She sighed and looked into my eyes

?: YN I don't want this to happen again okay?

I broke eye contact and just nodded my head

I don't know which hurts more

My hand or my heart

Oh not again...

Hours passed with just conversations and finally it was time to go

We both left Emily's house and waved at each other before saying this

?: Goodbye YN!!! See you next time

I didn't say anything and just walked away

Goodbye Hanna...

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