Drunk In Love

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We arrived in Paris at 1:25 am

I couldn't breathe when I finally stepped out of the plane...The view was breath taking...

My favorite place in the whole world was now infront of me!

I wasn't tired yet but we all took a cab to our hotel and rested there for a while.

I wanted to get out of all this drama and shit so I made a proposal

"Hey Guys! Why don't we have some fun?" I said excitement present in my voice

"Where exactly do we go?" Aria asked

"Let's go to the best nightclub here in Paris!!!" Alison said

"Hell yeah let's go!" Dinah picked up her purse and opened our hotel door

"Let's go bitches!"

We went to a nightclub called Star Paris, "To be honest Im a very judgemental person so Im sorry but this name sounds stupid, just being honest "My conscience tells me
Dinah took out here ID while the rest of us did

We weren't prepared for what was inside. At all.

There were so many people inside, drunk, dancing, stripping it was crazy! I turned on my party mode and asked Ali to get some shots for me

One shot. Two shots. Three shots. Damn I was getting drunk as hell

I asked Alison for another shot but Emily said "Yn stop that's enough"

I groaned and told her "Emmmmmmmm stof bein suchhh *hiccup* a parteh popeee"

"You're drunk already, lets go back to the hotel" She said grabbing my arm

"Noooo" I pulled my arm back "Ayyy cennn do whateverr da fuk I want *hiccup* okehh???" I said while going towards the bar

"Gibb mehh da beszt wan Sir!!!" I shouted to the bartender

"GUYS WE ALL HAVE A CHALLENGER!!!" The bartender yelled

"I'll do the challenge too!!" A woman said

"OKAY THEN!! WE HAVE TWO CHALLENGERS, WHOEVER FINISHES HER DRINK FIRST WINS!!" The bartender yelled while giving us both the drink

"YOU READY?!" He asked

"HELL YEAH" we both said

"3...2...1...ANDDD CHUG CHUG CHUG" The people shouted

I began drinking while the other woman did too, I was almost finished when the other challenger couldn't drink anymore that she put her drink down

"THE WINNER IS YN!!!" The people cheered and the bartender gave me a free beer card for that night club! Hwoo talk about the best night ever

I noticed the woman alone so I went to her, Luckily the bartender had coffee to sober me up a bit

"Hey there!" I said to her

She looked up at me and I saw her face

Damn. She was beautiful.

She had black hair and green eyes, oh my fucking god...

I checked her out more and felt myself getting hotter

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" She said with a smirk

"You know what will last longer?" I said with a challenge
I leaned in closer to her ear
"Me and you in the bedroom" I whispered while biting her ear

Her face looked flustered and her eyes widened

"What's your name?" She asked

"Why do you need to know?"

"So that I can scream it out loud tonight" She said while biting her lip

"Yn" I said


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