Work On Yourself

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Please don't misinterpret my message, And please just comprehend clearly and accept it, Always love the skin that you are in, But there's always a healthier better version of you within, How can you F.L.Y., If you don't first "Love yourself"? Hmm... What if i told you, You have the ability to design yourself? To be a big girl, Thick girl, Or a slim girl, Gym girl, It's your world. So why not look the way ypu want to look, Why not dedicate yourself to yourself, To fit right in that dress you like, To knock a couple inches off your belt, You look, As if, It's not possible, Confused from your television, Social networks, Magazine's, To look like the models do. But don't let that boogle or bother you, Focus on yourself and say "Fuck what they think" & "Fuck what they say", I'm not doing this for them, And just follow through, Your doing this for yourself. So it's a must, To do what you got to do, Of course it's a obstacle, No pain no gain, So why not train for a change?. Not only muscle gain, Your also strengthening your brain, People pop diet pills instead of doing laps on a treadmill, People look towards surgery instead of hitting the gym urgently, Y'all tripping, 70 percent of working out has everything to do with what your eating in the kitchen. You want that body? Then do something! Stop complaining and maintaining, Taking pictures sucking in your stomach. Motivation, Dedication, Inspiration, Levitation, Bettering yourself, Bettering your health, Looking at the results from your worouts in the mirror, And feeling yourself! Carving and chiseled yourself down, Why wait till your overweight to work in a 'Summer body' all season round, Why the fuck would you wait? When you can start to work on yourself right now!!

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