The Awaken Powers

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    "What the hell was that!?" Sephora yelled. "How the hell am I supposed to know. All I did was name a squirell and write his name down but look now he's dead. Oooooh you know what this means right?" "No. What does it mean?" "It means that if I know the persons name I can write it down and they die. But I guess it is a little flashy. Haha. Get flashy!" "Shut up. Stop tryna make a joke and help me figure out my power cuz I'm assuming we don't have the same powers." "Well why don't you try to name something and write it down." Sephora really wanted to figure out what her power was so she did as Shanya told her. She found an owl and named it Carl. She took the notebook Shanya was using and wrote down the name...... "Nothing happened. I guess that's not my power. Its getting late and Renee is going to meet us during lunch tomorrow so we really have to figure out my power." " Okay let's get to work."
      Many hours have passed and now it was midnight. Nice and dark for no one to see anything. They were about to leave when suddenly Sephora said "What if I can make a syth out of the darkness. Ooh that would be so cool." So without thinking she stuck her hand in the midst of the darkness and pulled out a dark syth. She started to swing it around to see how well it cuts. " Wait why isn't it cutting down the trees?" "Like you said before Sephora its probably used for killing things. Probably not trees but things that move. Why don't you find that owl and see if you can kill it." " Sure let's do that." Sephora found an owl and swung her syth other wise none as Chaos. She hit the owls head making it roll off and once the head and body hit the ground it dispersed into little black stars that sunk into the ground. "Wow that's sooooo cool. Me and Chaos are the perfect match. What are you going to name your power? " "I think I might call it the Death Note." "Okay now that we found out our power we should just go home and get ready for what she has in store for us. This will be fun." They start making there way out the woods and went their separate ways. The next day they start talking during home room about what they may have to do. "We're  probably gonna have to get rid of those close to us like our family." "You're really funny Shanya. What families do we have. We left them when we decided to go to this school and any ways my family's dead. They've been dead for four years." "I'm sorry I totally forgot." 
            The day went like usual for the two girls until lunch time. Renee popped up from the floor to give them their assignment. " Okay girls there's something I want y'all to do before we get to the serious part. I will be transferring into your class so I can keep my eyes on you and for me to servive in your world I have to eat things that are red or extra extra sour. Sour as in it would kill a normal person sour." "So you'll be here in our school and our class to keep an eye on us? So what are you going to be a student or a teacher because you look as though you are twelve." "Well that is true but I am fourteen. I'll let you slide with calling me twelve but next time I will hurt you. I will be a student and you two will show me around like the good students you are. Oh and I also need you to get me a uniform. I'm out."
     Later that day Sephora and Shanya went to the store and found everything that was sour and combined them to make them killer sour. They bought red candy and apples and other red things. They took the uniforms they hadn't used yet and customized them to fit Renee. It took forever to try and get it to her size so they ended up spending the night with each other.
                      The Next Day

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