Chapter Twenty-Two

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Niall’s POV

I sat across from Macy, who was sitting on her bed. It was just us in her bedroom, and I was sitting on her desk. You could just feel the awkward in the air. Macy was playing with her fingers, me looking around her room. We had painted it pink, and a picture of Harry was hanging on her door. Harry had put it there back before they began to date. A white desk with drawers filled with makeup and a vanity mirror on the top was behind me, as I sat on her white chair with a pink cushion beneath me. Her bedding was pink with white flowers on it, PINK brand stuff was all over the place. She had PINK bags hanging from the back of her door, a fuzzy PINK robe, PINK lotion on her desk… I think she has a little obsession with the color.

“Please don’t date her, Niall.” She broke the silence, her voice cracking. I could tell she was about to cry. I just sat there in silence, thinking of what I could say.

“What did she do to you back then?”

“Oh… she harassed me… stole my boyfriend, told people lies so they would love her and hate me.”


“When I was in elementary, I would get shoved into the lockers, pushed around… Jamie started it all.”

Jamie’s name used to make my stomach do happy flips. Now it just made my head burn.

“I won’t talk to her anymore.”

Macy just nodded, still playing with her hands.

“She’s still going to chase after you,”

“Wait… what? Why?”

“She wants to be a Victoria’s Secret model. She’ll do anything to get to fame. Hanging out with the Niall Horan is one way.”

“But what if I keep her away with security?”

“She’ll find a way.”

“Okay, now you are just scaring me.” I said, looking up at her. She looked at me and laughed.

“I’m kidding. Security should help. She’s not going to kidnap you.”

I breathed out a sigh of relief as I sat up from the chair, walking towards her. I enveloped her in a hug, as she hugged back.

“I love you, sista.” I said, laughing.

“I love you too, brotha.” She said back.

Macy’s POV

“I love you too, brotha.” I said before letting go of my grasp.

“YAY YOU GUYS! MACY, REMEMBER HOW WE ARE MAKING YOU GO ON XFACTOR??” Louis came in, jumping. I rolled my eyes.

“Way to ruin my happiness.” I said, sitting back in my bed folding my arms over my chest.


“What?!” I nearly screamed, jumping off my bed. The boys were smiling, laughing at my reaction.

“Gaaahhhhh I don’t even know what to sing, you pests!” I said, hitting Louis in the arm with my hand. He pretended to act hurt for a second, but then went straight back to jumping.

“I guess I could sing Carrie Underwood… I don’t know.”

I got up on my laptop, and the first song I thought of was So Small, by Carrie.

“Oh, never mind. I know the song.”

“What song is it?” Eleanor asked, sitting down next to me.

“So Small, by Carrie Underwood.” I said, clicking up Twitter.

“Come down to the recording room, I wanna hear it.” Harry said, taking my computer from me. I groan, but get up anyways. We all head downstairs, into the recording studio. They were beginning to use it more often with me.

“Okay, we aren’t going to record it, just grab the mic and start singing.”

“Liars. I know you’re going to record.” I smirked, but ignored their faces and grabbed the mic anyways.

“One, two, three. Go.” Harry said, pressing a red button. I began singing.

“What you got if you ain’t got love, the kind that you just wanna give away, its okay to open up. Go ahead and let your light shine through. I know its hard on a rainy day, just wanna shut the world out and just be left alone but don’t run out on your faith.”

Harry’s POV

I’m so recording her singing.

“Liar. I know your going to record.” She smirked, grabbing the microphone anyways as her voice began. She nearly sang better than Niall, I’m quite sure. We were all warped into her voice until she stopped singing, as she laughed once we heard silence.

“What?” I asked after hitting the stop button.

“Your faces, you guys dazed out for a while.”

“OH. EM. GEE. MACY. THAT. WAS. AMAZING!!” Eleanor ran up to Macy giving her a huge hug, Macy giving me a weird look before squeezing El back.

AN: Short chapter, I know and I’m sorry, people! I just haven’t updated in a while, thought you might want me too. So I guess this just helps you catch up.

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