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My name is Ellenor Bart. I have gone from being the Beta's daughter to just being an Omega. They or should I say we are the lowest-ranked wolfs there is in a pack. To understand how I got here, I have to start the day my pack was slaughtered in front of my eyes.

Day of the Attack:

I have been waiting for Jem, my best friend, who is 7 (1 year older than me), we are supposed to play dress up today. She has been away for a couple of days. So, we haven't had any "girl time" as she calls it. People say we look like sisters, I don't see it, but we do act like sisters.

" Elie sweetheart Jem is here, come to the living room." my mom said to me just as I was going to go to my room.

" I'm coming, mommy," I yell out as I ran down the stairs.

We played for hours until it was time for Jem and her parents to leave. That's when everything started to happen. We heard people screaming, so we went downstairs to see what was going on. I wish we hadn't; what we saw was not pleasant. Pack members were laying on the floor in puddles of blood.

" RUN! GO RUN!" we heard from someone that was laying on the floor. He looked in a lot of pain, so I ran to him.

" Are you okay?" I asked him.

" Run and don't look back. We are being attacked by rogues. Now GO!" he told us.

I ran back to Jem and grabbed her hand, running out of the house. What we saw when we got outside was a horror movie. People laid all over the back of the packhouse dead or close to dying. Jem was frozen in place, so I had to pull here away to get us somewhere safe. I didn't see mommy and daddy anywhere, so I ran into the forest. I knew a place that we would be safe, mommy and daddy would find us there when this was over. We ran through the woods, making sure that rogues would not see us. We ran until we were close to the hideout that I had created for myself.

"Where are we going? We need to help." Jem kept asking me.

" No mommy and daddy would not like that. They told me if this were ever to happen to just go to my hideout where they could find me after everything was over." I told her.

"But we can't just let everyone die. WE HAVE TO HELP!" She said to me.

I was about to answer her when I heard voices, and my curiosity got the best of me, but it also got the best of Jem. We both ran to where the voices were coming from but made sure to stay hidden.

When we got to where the voices were coming from, we saw the alpha with our parents in front of a group of what looked like rouges. One of the rogues had our pregnant Luna by her throat next to what looked like their leader. The alpha looked very mad, so did my dad and Jem's. Our moms were standing behind them and some other pack warriors that were with them. They all were scared they were going to lose their Luna as were Jem and me.

They had already hurt us so much why were they doing this? What did they want? No one was talking; they were just growling at each other and looked like they were ready to fight each other. Of course, we were outnumbered because they had killed everyone else, I assumed. My suspicion was made true when a man came out of the woods into the clearing from the other direction Jem and I were at.

"Everyone is dead, but we still can't find what we came for we have looked she is nowhere to be found." The men told the leader, but what caught my eye was the way alpha looked at my daddy.

"She's safe; she would hide. They will never find her," my mom whispered to my dad and alpha.

It looked like no one, but the alpha and our dads heard her. All I was thinking was who they were talking about where they safe? I hope for their sake that they were because these people look mean. The rough leader looked mad at this point he told our alpha, " give us the girl, and what is left of this pathetic pack can live, and I will give you your Luna back."

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