Chapter 22

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Elenor's PoV:

I was starting to gain control again and was opening my eyes. I could hear people crying, and that scared me. As I opened my eyes, everything came to me, and I realized I need to get to Jem to help her heal.

"Where's is she," I ask as I sit up on the bed.

Everyone just looks at me and don't answer me. I see Josh being held by Evelin. Everyone had tears in their eyes.

"Where is Jem," I ask again but don't get an answer.

"WHERE IS SHE," I scream.

"I'm sorry I tried, but I couldn't an...," Magnus says.

"NO! Where is she. Where is she Magnus," I half scream as I get off the bed.

"She is next door....," I don't let him finish and run to the room.

I run in and see her; she is just lying there, not moving. Her body is covered in blood. The one thing that keeps repeating in my head is that I did this. I did this. I killed my best friend.

I fall to my knees at her bedside and cry. I cry as I did so many years ago when I lost everything. At least then, I had her; I had Jem. Now I don't because I killed her. I know everyone else walked into the room. I ignore them though and focus on Jem.

"Aya tell me there is a way to bring her back. I can't lose her. She is the only family I have left," I beg her.

"I'm sorry, Elie, but there is nothing we can do," Aya tells me.

"No, I will not lose one more person," I say out loud as I get up from the floor.

"I invoke my element. Let my power free. Let Earth, water, Air, and Fire combine," I chant.

"No! Elenor stop," Magnus screams at me.

I ignore him and let my element take control, but this time I fight for control. I win and have my full element out, but I control it this time. I create a shield around Jem and me. I allow my power to come out and heal her.

Alex's PoV:

We just see a ball form around Jem and Elenor. We can no longer see them.

"What is she doing," my mom asks.

"She is letting her full element out," Marcela answers when Magnus doesn't.

"Isn't that what put us in this position," Josh says growling.

"Yes, but it's not the same. This time she dominated it and is in full control," Magnus tells us.

Before anyone can say anything, the girls start saying chants, and their eyes start changing. The thing that confuses us is that they start walking towards the forcefield.

"They did it," Marcela whispers, but we all hear her.

"They all have full control of their element," Magnus says.

Elenor's PoV:

Ash, Jane, and I are surrounding Jem, who is on the bed. All of us have our full element out. We let our power out and direct it towards Jem. After a while and we are all exhausted, I start losing hope that we could bring her back. I see the girls are losing hope as well and are about to stop. Then we see Jem's Chest started to move to show she was breathing. That alone gives us the strength to continue and fight to help her. If we are able to get her to a okay state Magnus will do the rest. We get her to a point were the wound she had was healed and her breathing had evened out.

"M.....Magnus.... help...her she is breathing," I tell him as I fall to the floor.

Alex runs to my side and picks me up bridal style. I see as everyone gets out of the room. Alex carries me out while Caleb and Rodney carry their mate.

"How," Josh asks as he looks at us. The girls look at me because they can't believe we were able to do that. Also because they wouldn't even know how to explain what just happened.

"We used our elements to heal her. It's why we are exhausted because it took a lot of us to do that," I tell him and everyone else.

"But earlier you didn't have control how did you in there," Caleb asks me.

"I ca..... can't explain right now. I need.... rest," I tell them. I can feel my body giving up on me and Ii see that the girls were to. I just let go and let the darkness take over.

Alex's PoV:

When Elenor said she was tired, she wasn't joking. They have been asleep for three days ,and if it weren't for my mom, Marcela, and Magnus reassuring us they are okay, we would have all gone crazy already. Magnus said they should be waking up soon. So, we are all here in their room that all four of them are in. We tried separating them, but their elements would start to act up. Every time we tried to take one out of the room we would end up getting hurt by one of their elements. It took Magnus a while to find out that their elements were helping each other and didn't want to be separated.

I was about to give up on her waking up today that I got up. I stopped when I heard someone groan. I see Elenor trying to sit up on the bed. She was struggling because she still looked a little bit weak and worn out.

"Hey," I say to her as I help her sit up on the bed.

"Hi," she says to me, giving me confused look.

She looks around, and I noticed the other girls were doing the same thing. They all looked confused and a little scared. We all looked at each, not sure what was wrong. That was till Elenor ask the one question that scared me and explained why they were all looking around confused.

"Who are you people," Elenor asks.

"You don't remember," my mom asks her.

Instead of just Elenor answering, all the girls shake their heads no. Now we have a problem.


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