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? PoV: 

"Rob, bring me the files for the New York deal, please," I tell him over the phone. 

"I will just give me a couple of minutes, and I will be there," he tells me and hangs up. 

"I miss them," she tells me. So, do I, but we will see them soon. I think as I rub my big belly. Just one more month, then we will be back in his arms. 

Jem's PoV: 

"Okay, so if we build the new houses..." I say before stopping. 

"Jem, what's wrong," Alex asks me. 

"I don't know," I tell not just him but everyone. They all look at me strange, and Josh reaches for my hand. 

"Meet me at the border," I hear HER voice tell me. 

"No, that's not possible," I say. 

"What is not possible," Josh asks me. 

"I just heard her mind link me," I tell them. 

"What? Who," Jane asks me. 

"Please hurry," I hear again. This time I don't think twice and start running to the border of the pack with everyone following me. What I see has me running faster, but as soon as Alex sees, he runs faster than all of us. When we get to them, we see Elenor leaning on Mick holding her big belly. 

"Don't ask questions now just get her to your pack doctor she is having the babies," is all it to have Alex grab her and start running to his parents' house.

Elenor's PoV: 

"Mom help," I hear my mate scream. I'm not able to concentrate much because of the contractions. My eyes feel so heavy, and I hear someone say I need to stay awake. 

"Come on, baby, open your eyes," I hear Alex tell me. 

He is giving me the strength I need right now. He isn't asking any questions like I thought he would. I guess it has to do with the fact that I'm in labor, and he doesn't want to stress me. 

"Come on, love, you have to start pushing our baby out," Alex tells me. I start to focus on what his mom is telling me to do. After an hour, I hear a baby cry, and someone says it's a boy. The only problem I keep having to push. Everyone realizes that it's not just one baby but two. Alex runs back to my side and helps me concentrate. After another half hour, I hear a baby cry again, and someone says it's a girl. 

"Congratulations Alpha and Luna, you have two beautiful babies," says a nurse putting my daughter and son in my arms. Alex looks at me with tears in his eyes. He lays next to me and hugs me while crying on my shoulder.


"You died. How," he asks me. 

"I will explain everything, but I'm pretty sure everyone wants to meet these two bundles and want an explanation as well," I tell him. He nods and kisses our son and daughter before going to get everyone. When everyone comes rushing in, they hug and kiss the babies. This is how we spend an hour or two in till the babies fall asleep. Then I ask a nurse to take them to another room and watch them. Alex, of course, argues and growls when she gets close to them. So, we decide to put two guards in the room as well. 

"Jem," I say while opening my arms. I know that she has been holding back her tears. She runs to my arms and starts crying. I allow my connection to all of them to reopen, and I feel all their pain. The pain I caused, but the strongest one is coming from Alex and Jem. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I needed to finish it. Plus, you wouldn't have let me go if I told you," I tell her ones she calms down. 

"I think they know the truth, Elie," Mick tells me. I nod at him then look at everyone; all the people I made feel pain. 

"When I was ending Daniel, I had a witch cast a spell to make me look dead, and I shut off all my connections to you guys and the pack. That's why you felt me dye, but the connection was still there; you guys just couldn't feel it. So, after the funeral, Mick and his team dug me out, and the witch reversed the spell. I made sure to keep the connections shut off. We then headed to where Daniel ran his operation. I knew he had a backup team, one that was stronger than the one he attacked us with. Why he didn't use them is still a mystery to me. I guess he thought if he failed, his other team with his son would finish the job. I'm not sure, to be honest. When we got there, we saw the most horrific thing possible they had been turning innocent teenagers into one of them. We got all the people that were forced to be one of them out safe, and then I destroyed everything and burned it to the ground," I tell them. 

"If you did all that, why didn't you come back after you were done," Alex asks me. 

"because we had to make sure that the humans that they made into werewolves were safe to let join a pack and not kill. So, Elie decided it would be best not to get any of you involved if they were dangerous. Plus, we were already protecting her. Also, we didn't know if Daniel had any other teams hidden, so we had to be careful who knew she was still alive. Aside from the team, we took out he had two more we found them because when they heard Elie was dead, they started to sneak around your pack. They thought they could get the other elements to make up for losing everything else. We took them out and took back all the innocent people that they had forced to join them," Mick explains to them. 

"I stayed to help with the new shifters we never intended for me to be away for so long we were only supposed to keep the I'm dead act up till they were all dead, but everything changed when we had to help teach the new shifters to control their wolfs. They all passed the tests Mick and his team set up for them a couple of days ago. I was going to come back then, but we needed to find new homes for the new wolves, so I called Cane, and he took some the other I was going to bring back with me, but I went into labor, so here we are," I finish telling them everything. 

"Wow, and we thought we had a lot on our plate after you 'died'" Rodney says. Everyone just nods, agreeing with his statement. I feel my eyes start to get tired, and everything just comes crashing down on me, and my body needs rest. 

"Okay, as you can see, she needs rest so everyone out, and I will bring the babies in. After I finish making sure they are alright," I think Alex's mom says. I'm too out of it to pay attention to anything because the darkness is consuming me. 

"Sleep love," is the last thing I hear. 

2years later

I watch as the boys play in the back yard with Jen, Alec (the twins), and Max (Ash son). The girls and I are just sitting here watching them. 

"So, when are you guys due," Ash asks Jane and Jem, who are both pregnant. 

"Any minute now," Jem says. 

"Lucky you. I still have two more months. I look like a sumo wrestler," Jane says. We all start laughing as she pouts while looking at her stomach. 

"How about you ash any more kids," I ask her. 

"Caleb wants some more, and I do to, but maybe when Max is older," she tells us. 

"Yea, I wish Alex would think like that he already wants another. I just don't think I can have twins again. When one gets fussy, so does the other. It's as if one isn't happy; neither one of them is," I tell them. 

They just laughed at what I told them. I just look at everyone and think of all Jem, and I had to go through to get this. She looks at me as if she is thinking the same. I'm happy with where my life has come, and I can't wait for this little one that is growing inside of me to join our family. Now all I have to do is tell everyone and hope that my children will be safe from the danger that comes from being elements. Jen, Alec, and Max are starting to get their marks. 

"What were you thinking about," ask the twins as they come up to us. Their mates were running to play with the Max and Mara. 

"Just how happy I am with my life," I say.


Hope you Enjoyed

Edited 05/03/20

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