Chapter 16

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Elenor's PoV:

"We have to, and you know we do. They have Alpha blood they will be able to handle it, and if something goes wrong, Ashley and I will be there," Jem tells me. I know she is right, but I just don't want to put the girls in danger.

"Fine, but we will need to train them harder because they are the first that will be targeted by our enemies to get to us," I tell her as I start walking to the living room where all the others are at. "We need to activate your abilities, but first, I want to ask you if you're sure you can do this. After I activate your abilities, there is no going back, and you will become the top targets. They will want to take you out to get to us, so are you guys sure you want to do this," I ask the twins.

"Yes, we are sure," Amber says while holding her twin's hand.

"Okay, then. Jem you know what to do," I tell her then look at the twins," You two come stand in front of me."

They do as I tell them, and then I feel the wind around us circling us to protect us but not as strong as when Ashley had her element awaken. Then I felt fire being formed around us following the same rhythm as the wind. Amber and Blue looked scared but were trying to hide it.

"I need you to let your wolf out they will take control, but also you will still be in control with them," I tell them, and they do as told. "Okay, this is going to hurt at first, but after a little, the pain will go away. Hold onto each other's hands."

I grab ahold of their hands that were intertwined and start the chant at the same time Jem and Ashley start their chant.

"Ancient Moon's lend your power

Bring me peace this very hour

I call upon your strength and might

Bless your child this secret night."

Alex PoV:

I watch as my little sisters and my mate stand holding hands in the middle of the wind and fire the was created by Jem and Ashley. Then Jem and Ashley start chanting something.

"This shield is my power to protect against evil. This shield keeps out harm. This shield does not allow demons or negative entities to pass through it. This shield is my domain, and I alone determine what is allowed to pass. No dark entities shall pass through this shield. As I will it, so mote it be."

At the same time, Elenor starts chanting something else. A light begins to form around their hands, and when I look at Jem and Ashley, they look like they are going to pass out. We all want to go to them but know it is dangerous to do that. I see a dad holding mom back scared she might run in the middle of everything, and I know it is killing him that he can't do anything.

Then a big light shines, and we have to cover our eyes and ears because they are all screaming like they are being tortured. This went on for a couple of minutes, then it stopped, and we all looked at the girls. They were all on the floor breathing heavily, and unlike last time they are all conscious. I run to Elenor and pick her up in my arms, hugging her like I'm going to lose her. I see mom and dad holding the twins while the guys hold their mates. Rodney helps my mom with Blue since my dad is carrying Amber.

We sit on the couches letting the girls recover, mainly Elenor, because she looks the most tired. I look around and see that Jem and Ashley have improved already, but the twins still look out of it. It takes a couple of more minutes for Elenor to recover. The twins, though still look bad and like they have stopped improving.

"Why are they still like this? Shouldn't they be fine like you guys," Mom asks, worried and dad looks scared as well.

"We need to get them outside." Elie says, still out of breath a little," They need to shift and let their wolf adjust to their new strength and agility."

With that being said, dad picked up Amber, and Rodney picked up Blue, and we all went to the backyard. They set them down on the grass, but nothing happened, and then I feel Elie getting out of my hold and walking behind a tree, and so do Jem and Ashley. We all look at them, confused. Then three wolfs come out, and two I recognize. Then I look at the third, and it was pure white with blue eyes, and I know it's my beautiful mate.

Elenor's PoV:

I mind linked the girls telling them we had to shift to help the twins. We all went behind a tree and shifted. Then came out I saw Jem's wolf and Ashley's wolf.

"Okay, we Have to help them with the shift just like we did for you, Ashley," I tell them. Then we walk to surround them, offering them comfort, so they don't feel pain.

"Shift," I tell them, using my elements voice. They start to twist and turn on the ground. We begin to hear bones snapping and relocating themselves. When it's done two wolfs lay in front of us.

They try getting up but fall back down to the ground

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They try getting up but fall back down to the ground. We help them stand up and walk a little so they can gain some strength to do it on their own. When they do, they start running around playing, and then everyone joins them by shifting.

"You're so beautiful," I hear Alex's voice say as two arms wrap around me.

"He thinks we're beautiful in wolf form," Aya says excitedly that our mate likes us even in wolf form.

I shake his arms off me and start running away from him. I hear him growl and shift, so I start running away from him. This is how we spend the rest of the night until it's time to go home. We just goof around and let the twins get used to their new abilities.

So now here we are back home in our room. Alex is showering, and I'm sitting on our bed. I know it's weird, but I want Alex to mark me. Aya is encouraging me to do it and ultimately mate with Alex. I want to because the mating pull is getting hard to resist. I hear the bathroom door open and see Alex come out in just some sweatpants. Uhm, why does he look so good in them?

"Hey, have fun today," He says as he sits on the bed and kisses my cheek.

"Uhm yeah it was fun your family is lovely," I tell him. " Alex, Uhm..." I say, which causes him to look at me confused.

"What is it?" He asks me as he caresses my cheek with his thumb.

"Well, you know how we have to mark and mate," I say nerves as to what his reaction will be.

"Yes, but we don't have to do that till you're ready. I won't push you to do something you don't want to, and I'm willing to wait till you're ready," He tells me with so much honesty in his voice. This is the last confirmation I need to know that I want to do this.

I grab the back of his neck and pull him towards me in a big kiss. At one point, we pull away for air, and I say, "I'm ready, Alex. I want you to mark me and complete the mating process."

"Are you sure?" He asks, looking into my eyes. I nod at him, and that's all he needs as an answer to start kissing me again. Let's just say it was one of the best nights I have ever had.


Hope you Enjoyed

Edited 04/26/20

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