Chapter 3

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I have just gotten home with Racheal, Rach was in shock and I was excused early to look after her. I walk with her into the living room and she sits on the couch

"Can I get you anything?" I ask her she shakes her head she hasn't said anything since just after I had saved her

"Are you sure your alright?" I ask for like the millionth time "You know considering the circumstances" I add as an after thought she smiles

"Yeah, are you?" She asks I frown slightly confused

"What do you mean?" I ask quietly she smiles slightly

"I mean the witch thing" She said "My brother didn't know, did he?" she asks I shook my head

"I wanted to tell him but I just couldn't, I've never told anyone" I say quietly

"Why, haven't you told anyone?" she asks a little confused was I really going to tell. Yes. Yes I was.

"I have a feeling that my being a witch has something to do with my mother and sisters deaths, and I had to keep it a secret so I didn't die" I explained "But I think your brother is about to skin me alive anyway" I say just as Jordan and Nate walk in with Jenna. Jenna runs to us and engulfs us in a hug before screaming

"I GET IT" I look at her confused so she rephrases "I understand why you became a rogue" she says and I smile and hug er again

"Care to enlighten me" Jordan says looking a little confused Jenna rolls her eyes

"Her Mum dies mysteriously one day when she was five only her Alpha saw it and then her sister dies as well but Summer saw the Alpha do it, So brainiacs from this we can conclude that.....?" She asks waving her hands trying to emphasise her point but the guys look clueless I sigh over dramatically

"I think my Alpha killed my Mum and Sister because they were witches" I explained understanding flashes across there faces but then Nate's expression goes confused again

"Then why didn't he kill you?" Nate asks earning a growl from Jordan it's nice to know he still cares

"Witches get their powers when there five but I was early I got them when I was three my mum caught me and told me that I had to be careful with who I told and how I acted I had never used my powers until I left the pack, I must have missed the signs my sister was showing and she was killed because of it. because of me." I cried and Jordan pulled me into his chest and was mumbling soothing words quietly while stroking my hair "I'm sorry" I whispered quietly knowing he heard

He pulled me back so that he could see my face "I'm not mad at you, I'm hurt that you didn't trust me enough to tell me" He says quietly and I shook my head vigorously

"It's not that I don't trust you it's that I don't trust anybody, I haven't since mum died" I tell him quietly his face softens "I love you, did you know that?" I say my voice barely a whisper he smiled

"I love you too" He said before kissing me.

"You Ready to meet the pack?" He asks and I gulp but nod we get up and walk out to the Verandah stopping in front of the hallway mirror to check my hair which Jordy laughed at "Typical women" He had said I'll show him as we emerged the crowd went silent I recognise some of the members from school or when I defended the pack at the battle I smile at them all and I recieve smiles back.

"Hello Everyone thankyou for coming out on a Monday night. But I would like to officially introduce you all to my mate and your Luna, Summer. Summer is a witch-wolf hybrid and has been a rougue for two years but she is dedicated and has already proven herself to be a remarable Luna as she helped us all a great deal at the battle two days ago. I know you will make her feel welcome. If you would like to meet Summer feel free to at the dinner that we have provided in the pack house dinning hall at seven o'clock. Dissmissed" He hollered

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