chapter 8

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Summer POV's 

I am laying on my bed exhausted by the day. But Im happy now I stay silent and listen to my babys steady heartbeat beating along with mine. I love my baby more than anything and I wont ever let anything happen to it. EVER. And neither will Jordan.

I can feel my eyelids drooping and I drift off to a peaceful sleep. Gabe and I are back to normal and for that Im glad I dont like fighting with my brother. Jordan has been working non stop and on the rare occasion that I see him hes telling me to be careful I just roll my eyes. He is in full on over protective alpha mode its actually really funny. Yesterday Jenna, Rach, Sarah and I were watching horror films I screamed and he was next to me in a second it was sweet his eyes raked over every part of my body scanning for injuries and when I told him it was jist the horror film he sighed in releif picked me up took me into his office and held me while he worked I didnt stop him because it was cute.

I woke up with Jordan laying next to me I burry my head in the crook of his kneck and enhail his scent. I can feel him chuckling at me and I sigh in content

"I missed you" I whisper

"I missed you more" he tells me his grip tightens around me when I move to get up telling me that he just needs to hold me and thats how I know that hes worried. but about what?

"Whats wrong" I ask him and he sighs and gives me a shaky smile

"You know me so well" he says I know hes trying to change the subject I give him a pointed look and he sighs again shakily "I have been recieving threats, death threats directed at you for a month now and Im worried" he explains quickly I stare at him in shock before I get up and stalk my way to the office I walk in without knocking not that anyone was in there and sat behid the desk Jordan comes in a little while later

"Where?" I ask in no mood to be stuffed around he comes to my side and opens the filing cabinet pulling out a stack of notes jotted down on scrap paper I open the first one I see and read it. It said

'Pregnancy suits you're mate, it'd be a shame if something happened to them.

Sincerely, Your worst nightmare

"Well that's original" I mutter under my breath. I was seething with rage it was bad enough that they were threatening me but my child I'll kill them all for involving my child in this.

"So now you know why I'm worried" Jordan mutters I know he really doesn't want me to stress "I love you" He blurts out suddenly I smile and laugh knowing he hates awkward silences

"I love you too, but now I have to go do some research I'll be back" I said strutting out the door I probably looked like a retard because I'm as big as a whale and am expected to give birth sometime tomorrow and I'm so exited. I get to see it's little eyes open, I can't wait to find out what gender it will be Jordan and I have perposely avoided seeing what gender it will be we havn't even seen the altrasound because I'd be able to tell and I want it to be a surprise. I walk into the massive library and take a seat at the desk in the middle of the room its reserved for the Alpha's family I decide to recruit some help so I mind link Rach, Sarah and Jenna 

'Girl's I need your help in the library asap I won't to get somewhere before I go into labor' I say which is the truth 

(If you were wondering why Sarah hasn't given birth yet it's because Alpha's children grow twice as fast as all other werewolf children so Sarah's pregnancy is taking longer)

The girls show up five seconds later and we all make ourselves comfortable around the desk I open up a spell book and so do the other girls. I've been teaching them some simple spells that you don't have to be a witch to complete and they know what to look for in a spell book

"I need a protective forcefield spell asap" I tell them and we get to work. We've been looking for about an hour and I'm so tired 

"I've got one" Jenna stated proudly I leap up and look to her spell book she shows me

"Me Domo mea, Agrum Meum, maem

Me Domo mea, Agrum Meum, maem" (meaning 'My family, My life, My territory, My safety) and I smile and hug her. The discription of what the spell does is exactly what we need. I sigh in relief all the girls already know about the threat because I told them an hour ago and they know why I need to protect my family but this spell is twenty times better I can put a force field around the pack territory so everyone inside will be safe. Awesome. I run to the storage room and collect some candles, a knife and a map of the territory this is a complex spell because it's a large one in fact Jordan probably wouldn't let me do it if he knew.

We went outside and walked to the clearing where pack meetings are held I lay the map down infront of me and position four candles at each point I focused on fire and the candles were lit. The girls had gone inside so that I could concentrate, I slid the knife along the tip of my pointer finger and blood begun to trickle out with that I began tracing the territories boundaries with my blood while saying the incantation, The map begins to glow and stops suddenly and I know it's done, I sigh in relief. But I spoke to soon just as I finish packing up I see Jordan stalking towards me, and I know in an instant that he's not to happy about me doing magic that powerful so close to my due date. Whoops.

"Hey Baby" I say fiegning innocence he's not buying it though "Look I'm sorry but I'm not just leaving everyone undefended because some dudes obsessed with me, so deal with it okay?" I start walking away when suddenly I'm wet. My water broke. Jordan must have read my mind because he was at my side in an instant taking me to the pack clinic a docter was already waiting there for me. Here we Go.

I hate Jordy right now. It turns out I'm going to have twins so this could last twice as long as it would have, not that I minded having two gorgeous babies to call my own. I was broken out of my thoughts by a soft crying, The contractions had temporarily ended and I desperately want to hold my baby 

"Give him to me" I order her she does so I look down at my son who is still crying softly. When he feels that I am the one holding him he stops and opens his eyes there Brown with flecks of Gold just like mine his hair is a dirty blond colour just like Jordan I smiled and so did he. I gently stroked his cheek with my finger and he grabs it in his hand he's so small. He's mine, he's my gorgeous son.

"I'm sorry Luna, but the next child has positioned itself and the contractions will start again" A nurse told me I handed Jordan our Son and prepared myself. This time was quicker and less painful and the best thing was that I was handed a daughter, she didn't cry she just looked at me and smiled as soon as her eyes were open her eyes were crystal blue like her dads and her hair was a dark brown like mine. I smile at Jordan and he crosses the room and sits next to me I swap with him and he hands me back my son and he has our daughter

"What are we going to name them?" He asks I smile having already thought about it 

"I was thinking Aria Rose Pierce for our daughter" I say and he nods in approval, Rose after my mum "And I think it should be up to you to name our son" I say he smiles

"Well I was thinking Ashton Richard Peirce" He said and I loved it 

"Perfect" I whisper to him "Just like our angels"

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