Chapter 5

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I have been working with the guys for like six hours and I'm over it looking around I can see that the others all look just as tired as I feel. I need cafeine but Coffee is discusting. That's it I think to myself I lean over the desk and start banging my head against it hard it helps me think

"Um Summ, what ya doin?" Jenna asks I think she's about to start laughing but I'm to tired to check. Still I didn't appreciate her sass

"Imagine me glaring at you" I tell her "Plus this just so happens to help me think" she laughs and this time I actually glare at her 

"Sure causing severe brain damage will totally help us figure out a plan" She states sarcastically no sooner were the words out of her mouth before I was up I was to good. I started jumping up and down unable to contain my excitement all the Alpha's were looking at me with slight smiles on their faces

"I got it" I say before teleporting myself out of the room, then I realise I should probably tell them that I'd be back in a minute so back into the study I go I arrive and all heads snap back to me "I'll be right back" once again teleporting to my room the bonuses of being a witch normally I would just walk but this is just that urgent. I arrive in my room and walk over to my one bag of belongings I dig through it and at the very bottom there is my mothers spell book I had taken it from my fathers study before I had left home, it had a thin layer of dust coating it I only learnt basic spells. I teleport back to the study giving everyone a heart attack 

"Sorry, geez aren't you wolves supposed to hear me or something" I say jokingly and they all laugh I walk up to the desk and dump the book onto the surface 

"I think there might be a spell in hear that will get us what we need" I tell them Gabe standing next to me his hand skimming the surface of the book. It reminds us both of Mum.

"Where did you get this?" Gabe asks and I smile mischieviously and he sighs "Great my sister stole a spell book from our father" I snort/laugh at this 

"Don't flatter yourself It's mine it said so in her will dad just wouldn't give it to me so I took it when he was asleep" I state "And before you ask I did not knock him out or harm him in any way retrieving my book" I tell him solemnly he rolls his eyes and mumbles a 'that makes me feel so much better' under his breath but I'm reading.

Invisible in a given location

This spell will enable you to move to your chosen destination, when you arrive you will become invisible so as to remain undetected. This spell will help if ever the situation required understanding of a plan.

'hic est invisibilis invisibilis 

verumtamen ad quod amantur' Repeat twice.

"Oh God I am good" I say rising from my chair "I'll see you guys later I will have a full report on what I find. Toodles" I tell them as I reach for the door handle

"Wait who said you were going?" Jordan saysI spin around and give him the evil eye warning him that he should tread lightly "It's not that I don't trust you it's just that it could be dangerous" I roll my eyes at him

"Oh Pish Posh, Dangerous my ass I was a rougue for two years I'll be fine, okay?" I was about to turn around knowing that Jordan can't argue my logic when Gabe cuts in

"Sis I'd prefer it if you'd let me do it" I narrow my eyes at him and he gulps "I just don't want you hurt" What is it with everyone thinking that I was going to get hurt, I'm not a piece of glass. Dumb asses, Oh well a girls got to do what a girls got to do.

"hic est invisibilis invisibilis 

verumtamen ad quod amantur

hic est invisibilis invisibilis 

verumtamen ad quod amantur" I recite

I can see Gabe and Jordan coming toward me and just as I'm in arms reach I'm gone. The trip is just a blur of colours and I have to close my eyes to stop the developing head ache once the feeling stopped I opened my eyes and there I was in my old Pack house. We had worked out that it was my old pack back on day one. I walked down the corridor to the meeting room I slip through the open door and wait off to the side for the meeting to start people were just starting to file into the room, The last being the Alpha, he takes his seat and begins the meeting.

"Friends, it has come to my attention that there are many rumours about my not having a mate but I can assure you that I am saving myself for a powerful mate, a Hybrid witch and wolf to start a family and produce the most powerful offspring however there were only ever four hybrids of this variety, three of which are dead" He was talking about my family he wanted me to mate with him 'yuk' I swear I just barfed a little in my mouth. Just thinking about it makes me shudder "I have discovered that the last surviving witch hybrid at the Willow Creek territory I'm not sure what her buisness there is however I am aware that the males are onto our attack planned for this Friday at noon we will attack the border patrol first only once they are dead will we continue closer to the pack house this way there is more blod shed just the way I like it. The girl is to be unharmed do I make myself clear" Alpha Jack says I hear a chorus of 'Yes Alpha' before I avaporate into the blur of colours before reappearing in the office. Before i cn do anything I am pulled into Jordan's arms I enhail his addictive scent to calm myself before I grab Jordans hand in mine and focus back on the confersation I show him the scene and by the end of it he's growling loudly. Great now I get to put up with a grumpy Alpha what fun.

"Thankyou Ladies but as you will not be fighting in the battle I think it best that you leave" Jordan explains finally getting a handle on the anger that he is feeling

"Who said we weren't fighting?" I asked and all the girls made their agreement known which was silenced by all the males growls warning us that it was not up for discussion. Damn this. I storm out of the room followed by my girls this seems to happen a lot recently what is wrong with me.

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