A Run in with the jocks

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Ok so before I start writing I decided to write the next part so here I go
I steadily jogged right in the middle of the jock group we had all finished 2 laps "ok just two more to go" I thought, just as I began to sprint the cat that had pushed my brother tripped me up except I was prepared the skeleton I was talking about earlier was just about to help me up when I did a handstand then landed on my feet making my way into a sprint, I could tell he was shocked. I finished my laps then coach error looked at me and said "why did you do a hand stand?" I told him about bugerpants and how he almost tripped me up, at first he was shocked then told me to "be careful next time" so I nodded and sat down. "Ok class! Today we're going to be playing dodgeball!"
He had yelled then he threw dodgeballs onto the court then he yelled "boys vs girls! Go!" So i sprinted to the court to get a ball as fast as I can to throw it at someone, but then I saw a fish girl that had something over her eye (author can't be bothered to get a photo of undyne in underhigh sorry)
So i passed the ball to her while dodging and catching some of the balls but then it came down to Me, undyne (Y/N: she told me what her name was btw Author- chan: STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL Y/N: k) the skeleton and bugerpants , unlucky for us bugerpants can doge just as well as me "undyne over here" I called over, we had most of the balls so we had nothing to worry about "what is it punk?" Undyne said "I have a plan"
After telling her the plan I quickly threw three balls at Bugerpants while undyne tried with two but pj ended up catching on as I got bugerpants out.
It was just me and him "if he can catch on of two balls then he can catch three and maybe even four so how about..." you quickly threw a ball up the the air and so throwing a ball at him as he tried to catch it. Coach error yelled "PJ IS OUT GIRLS WIN!" He yelled then undyne came to me and put me on her shoulders as they cheered and walked into the girls changing room

(Time skip brought to you by author-chan being lazy)

I changed out of my gym uniform and walked out of the gym I could sense someone looking at me but I was determined to meet my bro for lunch.

Charas POV
I could see Y/N walking up to me and sitting down on the table I was on she told me about how she won for her whole team when playing doge ball
"Well done sis I'm proud" I beamed
"Yeah well another time someone tripped me up it was bugerpants so I did I hand stand and went on my feet and ran and finished my two laps" she seemed happy I haven't seen her like this in a long time. "Oh hey pallet!" I said as pallet sat down on our table too, I saw that he brang fresh, alphys, nabstablook and papyrus (again author-chan is lazy)

Pallet came up to us and so did a very brightly dressed skeleton pallet said his name was fresh and the ghost was Nabstablook  and the other skeleton with them he scarf was papyrus and the dinosaur was alphys we all said hi to each other and continued our conversations "u-um Y/N i-i heard how y-you beat P-paperjam at dodgeball" alphys said
"Well yeah I'm not gunna brag out it though" I said reassuringly then undyne walked towards us and sat next to me "hey punk you did good beating the boys" she said
"Well you did good too" I said, noticed how shocked pallet when undyne came over to talked to me I'm pretty sure everyone else was as well, after she had a conversation with me she sat back over on the jocks table.

712 words! WOOP
Ok as I said at the top I decided to write another chapter today so who knows when I'm writing the next chapter

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