Song - Arms by Christina Perri

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AN: So this song has been stuck in my head and it just made sense for me to use it as inspiration. Send me songs you like too or drabble ideas - I will write as often as I can :)

8 years old

Elsa was playing with Anna when something went wrong. Anna jumped from the snow mountains but she was going too quickly. Elsa told her to stop but she wouldn't listen and then Elsa fell and her magic hit Anna in the head. She screamed for her parents as they quickly rushed in. She'd watched the trolls and the images of her future and hid at how scary they were. And then they'd sealed her fate. She was to stay away from Anna who wouldn't remember her powers. They rode home as Elsa cried silently, already saying goodbye to Anna.

9 years old

Anna had been asking Elsa to help her build a snowman as many times as she could and Elsa wanted to, she definitelt wanted to... but she couldn't. She was being eaten up by the loneliness and boredom. Before, there was Anna, now, there was no one. No one but her parents but she could tell that they feared her even as they loved her. That's when she saw a boy through her window. She opened her mouth to scream but he put his finger to his lips and smiled at her. She stopped and opened the window, curious. 

"My name's Jack, what's yours?"


"Well, Elsa, pleased to meet you"

10 years old

Jack and Elsa had become friends that day. He'd shown her his powers and she'd shown him hers. After that, she hadn't felt so alone any more. 


"Jack?" she called hopefully. 

His visits were rare and when he wasn't there, she'd be scared by her powers, unable to control them. The fear of hurting her loved ones again was too great without him to lean on. She didn't have to worry about hurting him. 

"I'm here Elsa"

"Wanna build a snowman?"

"Yeah, but I like forts too"

They built a fort with a little snowman sentinel and Elsa wished that Anna could have been there too. 

He had to leave again, but like always, he promised to come back. 

15 years old

5 years had passed, Jack visiting whenever he could. Gradually, they'd grown out of building simple snowmen. Instead, they'd make castles, sculptures and do special tricks with the ice. Elsa had noticed something in all her designs, a special snowflake design that showed up on all the things she made. Jack had told her it was her signature snowflake. 

She'd been ecstatic.

"Do you have a signature snowflake Jack?"

"Not quite... mine are really different but usually it involves curlicue patterns"

"That's so interesting"

"I guess... but yours is more distinct"

Elsa had learned a lot about ice from Jack Frost and with him, she'd finally begun to feel free. 

18 years old

Jack hadn't been to Arendelle in 3 years which made Elsa worry. But another thought soon took over when her parents announced that they had to head to a wedding somewhere. Elsa panicked but tried not to show it. But it was there in the pleading look she gave them, the bowed head to conceal her feelings. Conceal, don't feel, that's what she'd learned. The only person she'd been able to let it go with was Jack...

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