Chapter Two

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They neared Mako's house and Mako pulled into his driveway. Jamie swung his peg leg around and almost fell on the ground. Mako caught him and he straightened out. Then Mako got off and pulled out a pair of keys. He walked to his door, unlocked and opened it. He walked in, looking back to make sure Jamie was still following. He was. Jamie walked in and shut the door.

He grinned and wrapped his arms around Mako's neck. He leaned into his thick lips and Mako wrapped his arms around Jamie's waist. Mako was very careful and hesitant. Jamie smiled into the kiss and licked at Mako's lips.

He pushed Mako to the couch, making him stumble and fall back. Jamie climbed onto his lap, straddling him. He finally got Mako to open up and he greedily explored his warm mouth. Mako was still hesitant. After a not so passionate, maybe 2 minute make out session Jamie finally pulled back.

“Mako, are you alright?” Jamie furrowed his brows.

“I just feel like we're moving a little fast. I'm sorry.” Mako looked down.

“Hey that's alright! You could've told me earlier though. Ya wanna just cuddle?”

Mako nodded and Jamie scooted off of him to sit next to him.

“Ya got any movies?” He looked up at Mako.

“Yeah, I have Netflix.” Mako got up and turned his Xbox on, he grabbed the controller and sat back down. When he settled in Jamie nestled up to his side.

“Netflix and chill, eh? You’re after me heart!” Jamie giggled. Mako smiled and logged into his Netflix.

“What would you like to watch? You can choose.” He handed the controller to Jamie who’s eyes lit up.

Jamie sat up straight and squinted as he entered the search bar.

“Rent!” He proclaimed. He looked up at Mako, grinning. “Ya ever seen it? I’ve watched it about five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred times.” He cackled.

Mako looked at him, confused. “I havent. Thats an oddly specific amount of times.”

Jamie howled with laughter, slapping his knee. “You’ll get it soon.” He calmed down and started the movie.

As it started the opening song Jamie sung along, a little loud and off key but it was endearing to Mako. He should’ve been watching the movie but instead he was watching Jamie, who was watching the musical intently. He even mouthed along with some of the lines. Jamie put his hand around Mako’s upper arm and leaned even more into him.

“Angel is my favorite.” He pointed at the person currently singing. Mako smiled at him. And tried to actually focus on the movie.

Mako wasn’t very invested until towards the end, when there was a shit ton of drama. When Angel he actually got a little teary and Jamie whined.

“I always hate this part!” He pouted. “The movie just isn’t right without Angel! Nothing like sad shit to kill a half chub.”

Mako chuckled. Jamie yawned and put his face against Mako’s arm. The movie ended and Mako looked down at Jamie. His eyes were closed so Mako nudged him a bit. He opened his half lidded eyes.

“Hm?” He said sleepily.

“Movies over.”

“Sorry, didn’t get much sleep last night. Was too excited I guess.” He smiled. “You’re really great y’know? Handsome too.” He kissed Mako’s arm. Mako blushed a bit then looked at the clock on his wall. It was only 6.

“Do you have to get home at a specific time?”

“Not really.”

Mako took the controller and browsed the movies. He was unsure about doing the do with Jamie at first because he was a little uncomfortable, but Jamie looked so cute cuddled up to him, the strap of his tank top sliding down his shoulder. Mako put on Friends and turned to Jamie. He held his chin and pulled his face up to his. Jamie was surprised at first, especially since Mako was making the move. He closed his eyes, their lips sliding together.

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