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"I'm there, be careful, okay? I love you" I tipped into my phone as Derek, Boyd and I entered the terrain. The music was so loud, you could feel the bass vibrating through the walls, along the ground and right into your body.

I put my phone away as I saw the line of mountain ash that was around the building but unfortunately it wasn't connected yet. Meaning that Stiles was still on his mission.

"What now?" Boyd asked as we walked along the building.

"We wait" Derek said.

"For what?" Boyd asked again but stopped as I swung my arm out and placed it on his chest, doing the same to Derek since I was placed inbetween the two big werewolves.

"They're here" I whispered and put my hands back down walking ahead of them and flashed my claws out.

Derek and Boyd sped up, reaching my side just as Argent and his crew turned around the corner and stood in front of us.

"Derek, back off!" he demanded cold as steel.

"Back off? That's really all you've got?" Derek laughed. "I got to be honest, Chris. I was really expecting more from the, uh, big veteran werewolf hunter."

As soon as Derek's words were spoken, Chris smirked. "Okay then. How about didn't anyone ever tell you not to bring claws to a gunfight?" And as soon Chris' words were spoken the four hunters behind Chris raised their guns and released the safety catches.

Boyd gulped, "that one sounded pretty good."

Boyd and I stared at Derek who stared at us, not knowing what do to. Chris and his crew took the chance to open the gunfire. I was the first one to run away and hit behind the dumpsters next to us. Boyd an Derek dropped next to me no second later, hiding their heads as more and more bullets were fired.

"Guys! We're not here to hide! We're here to fight!" I yelled and slid through the two dumpsters we were hiding behind and faced the fight.

The first hunter that caught my sight was thrown against the nearest wall and my feet made contact with his chest. Derek jumped on top of the dumpster and attacked another hunter who was about to shot me. Chris, being the big veteran werewolf hunter as Derek said earlier hid behind the building, firing bullets from there. One was piercing through my right upper arm. The impact the bullet made, caused me to fall down on my butt but immediately I got back on my feet. Boyd attacked one of the others as my eyes landed on the hunter I attacked a few seconds ago. He was also back on his feet, ready to shot me.

I ran to him, grabbing his arm where he held his gun before he could pull the trigger and broke it. He cried in pain but wouldn't give up as his other hand flew across my face, hitting my jaw. I growled, knowing that it'd heal even though it burned like hell. I growled even louder, showing him my fangs that were growing inside of my mouth and knocked him out.

Two other hunters grabbed their electro shock weapons and fired at Derek who growled in pain as the electricity ran through his body. His eyes glowed red and his fangs were growing. He was getting stronger and stronger each seconds before he grabbed the strings of the gun and pulled them. The two hunters who held the guns crashed together before they landed on the ground.

I turned around and saw Chris groaning and pulling his gun away before he ran off. I groaned as well and followed him around the building but once I turned the last corner I lost him. I cursed under my breath as my phone began to vibrate in my pocket.

I looked around, making sure that no one was around and picked it up.

"Amber, oh my god! Look, I got like 50 feet of ash left and I'm out. Okay... so you got to get your wolf ass down here to help me because I don't know what to do and I'm just standing out here and I'm all alone and-" Stiles rambled on as I heard a gunshot right next to me and the bulled pierced through my stomach. I groaned quietly, trying not to cream into the phone since Stiles was at the other line and obviously he had problems himself.

Uncertainty - Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now