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It felt like everything was in slow motion. Allison gasping in shock, with her hand in front of her mouth. Chris inside the SUV, yelling at me and Scott next to me with the same expression on his face as mine. Shock.

Allison stared at us with her eyes wide opened. I never wanted her to get involved with the supernatural, even though we were not quite the best friends. Allison was young. Young like us. We were all too young.

Chris honked and screamed at us. I grabbed Scott's arm and jumped on top of the bus and ran away. I saw Scott running in the other direction. I ran to the Preserve, running as fast as I could. If the Argent's were still after me, they would kill me. Definitely. One werewolf was hard enough but three! And an alpha. That was too much for them to handle. They came here to Beacon Hills to kill us and they won't move away until they got what they wanted. Our heads.

I dropped on my knees and ripped my blazer off. It was even too hard for me to handle everything. Me being a werewolf after I told my mum to never become one. The hunters, trying to kill me. All these lies. Everything. I wish that my mum and dad were still alive. Everything would be okay. We were all okay. Kate ruined everything. Peter did, too. It all started when my mum got bitten. That day changed everything. If it wasn't for the alpha who bit my mum, Kate would've never killed my parents. We would've never moved to Beacon Hills and Peter would've never gotten a chance to bit me.

I pulled my hair, screaming on top of my lungs. I never wanted this day to end like that. I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted to have the perfect night with Stiles. It all started good. The dance, the fun, the kiss, Stiles telling me that he liked me, everything. And now here we were. Lydia was probably in hospital, Stiles was abducted by Peter and Derek was still MIA. Allison knew about the supernatural, about me and Scott being werewolves.

My life was a complete mess.

I dropped my head on the ground, burring my head into the leaves and screamed. I punched my fists onto the ground as hard as I could and felt each bone breaking. Even though I felt the anger rising, I controlled myself. I had to control myself. Otherwise, I'd be running around Beacon Hills, trying to kill everyone who crossed my path.

I slowed down my breath and got back up on my feet. My head was hurting and so were my feet. I leaned myself against a tree and closed my eyes. I either had to find Stiles or Derek. I decided to find Derek first, even though Stiles was with Peter. But I knew that Peter wouldn't kill Stiles. He needed Stiles to find Derek. He needed his help. And Stiles wouldn't be able to do that dead. I had to find Derek. Who knows if he was still alive. Maybe the Argent's killed him. Maybe he was still alive. Maybe they tortured him, trying to get him to talk who the betas were. But Derek was useless now. Chris knew that Scott and I were the werewolves they were searching for. Derek was dead. And there was a thirty per cent chance that he was still alive. But how should I find him.

"Werewolves howl to signal their location. It's pack thing. They howl to tell their pack where they are!" I remember Stiles telling Scott and me. "They don't howl to scare people. They howl to contact the others."

I got an idea but I had to find a good spot to do it. Somewhere where Derek would hear me, if he was still alive. I ran deeper into the Preserve and found myself on the highest point of Beacon Hills. It seemed so peaceful, but I knew the truth. Beacon Hills was a cursed place. It was full of monsters, full of lies and full of misunderstanding.

I climbed on top of the rock and felt myself shifting. I had to be a wolf to get the full power. I was louder if I was a wolf. I was about to howl as I heard a crack behind me. I turned around, ready to fight whoever or whatever was hiding there. But it was just Scott. „Go on!" he said and got next to me. Seemed like we both had the same idea. I looked over at him and nodded, telling him to join me. He nodded, too. I cleared my throat one more time and howled as loud as I could. Scott did the same next to me. I bet that the whole state could hear the howl. Every werewolf within a two thousand miles radius could be able to hear us.

Uncertainty - Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now