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Season 2, let's do it!

        It's been two days since the winter formal. Lydia woke up a day later, confused about everything. The bite was still visible which meant that she was no werewolf. She was still alive even though it says that you either turn to a werewolf or die. And well, Lydia was no werewolf and she wasn't dead. Obviously. Lydia asked me what happened because she couldn't remember anything. I lied and told her that I didn't see anything and found her lying on ground with blood all over her. It wasn't the right time for her to be thrown into our world. Not yet. She was confused enough. Knowing about the supernatural would confuse her even more. 

The doctors said that she had to stay a few more days while they did some routines with her. She might be out this Tuesday which was in two days. Stiles and I stayed the whole weekend. I wanted to be here if something happened. But she never turned. Stiles was fast asleep next to me on his chair and snorted a little bit. "Ohh... just like that" he mumbled in his sleep which made me laugh. "No, no you first. Me first?"

Melissa McCall who stood a few feet away heard him mumbling these things. My head turned red and I poked him. He didn't wake up, though but he stopped talking at least. 

Mr.Martin got out of Lydia's room. I stood up and asked him if I could go inside. "You've been here all night" he realized. "They've been here all weekend" Mama McCall added. I smiled and watched Mr.Martin shake his head. "Lydia's taking a shower right now. I think you have to wait a little bit." I nodded and turned around to face Stiles who started to talk in his sleep again. 

"You're dirty" he mumbled and peaked his lips. I widened my eyes and ran over to him, poking him again. But this time harder. He opened his eyes and sat straight up. "You hungry? I asked him and sat down. "A little bit. What about you?"

"Not really" I answered. „Am, we didn't eat since Saturday noon" he groaned. It was right. Mama McCall brought us some sandwiches that we ate but since then I didn't have something in my stomach. "Alright, let's find a vending machine" I replied and stood up. Stiles smiled and followed me. We wandered through the halls hand in hand and searched for the vending machine. 

"You know, you didn't have to wait with me here all weekend long" I said as we stood in front of the vending machine. "And I told you that it's okay. Lydia's my friend, too" he replied. I gave him a look and he groaned. "All right, you're right. She's not really my friend but she's yours so... That counts" he laughed. I laughed, too. 

"So what shall we get?" I mumbled and looked at the vending machine. "I'll have a Reese's" Stiles said and dropped his corner into the machine, pressing the I button on it. The chocolate bar got stuck and Stiles groaned in annoyance after he pressed a few more buttons, "Seriously?"

He knocked against the glass a few times but the bar didn't move. „It's okay, I got another corner" I said and dropped my corner into the machine and pressed the I button as well but nothing happened. Nothing at all. "Oh come on" I yelled and beat the machine, too. 

"Let me do it" Stiles said and shoved me gently away. I stood next to him and crossed my arms in front on my chest. Stiles put his hands on top of the machine and shook it. But just as I thought, the bar didn't move. He put his arms around the machine and tried to lift it but of course he couldn't. What was he thinking? Stiles sighed and stepped back. 

"Stiles come on, let's forget about the bar. We should probably get something real to eat" I tried to calm him down but failed. "No! I want my Reese's" he scolded and put his hands on top of the machine again. He shook it and shook it and shook it until it lost its balance and fell over, the glass shattering. Stiles' eyes widened just like mine. 

Uncertainty - Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now