Blood stained arms

13 1 0

Elizabeth Petersen (Liz)
Shaylee Michal (Lee)
Victor Charles (Sir)


Shaylee struggles against the ropes, using every once of strength that she could muster, but the tight rope would hardly move, let alone break.

"Don't bother..." a soft voice says from nearby.
She quickly glances up, only to be met with the gory sight of a pale, thin girl, bound up with the same type of rope. Blood, old and new smeared down her arms, her dull gray eyes almost lifeless with sickly black and purple bruises around them.
"I've already tried."

Shaylee looks at the girl and shakes her head, "no! I refuse to not put up a fight! I can break this rope if I just try harder!" She snaps at her, twisting and tugging at her wrists, hissing in pain as the rope slowly digs into her skin.

"If you don't save your strength you will easily be taken down... trust me..." the girl says, her voice hardly more than a whisper.

"Gah... Fine..." she sighs and looks down at her lap, the urge to try to break free still burning in her thumbing heart.
She sits in five minutes of awkward silence before speaking up.
"What's your name?"

".... Elizabeth. Elizabeth Petersen." The girl says softy, "what about you?"

"Shaylee Michal" she says, looking up at the thin girl, "most call me Lee though" a ghost of a smile plays on Elizabeth's lips.

"Alright Lee... you can call me Liz."


The metal door hits the wall and in comes the man who placed her in here, she opens her mouth, despite the silent protests of Liz.

"I-" she starts to say but her attempts are quickly cut off.

"SIR!" Elizabeth spits out, throwing his attention away from Lee and onto her, she stutters slightly when his cold glare meets her empty grey eyes, "I-I was wondering when you could bring down food..." her strong words are soon down to a mumble as his boots clomp against the cold cement floor, walking to her.

"After ten years you still can't get it in your mind that there is no talking to or around me!" A sharp slap sounds through the dark room, causing her to flinch, "how about we teach the new girl what happens when you go against my rules hmm?"

Elizabeth just hangs her head in defeat. Lee sits baffled, no words of protest, no noises leave her mouth at all as the man's fist collides with Liz's stomach multiple times.
Once he seems to be done, or rather he may of gotten bored. He turns away from Liz, who's hunched over coughing up blood.

"You see, Shaylee, I don't like it when people talk to me, it's disrespectful. You will only speak to me if spoken too, do I make myself clear?" He walks up to the silent girl, grabbing a fistful of her blonde hair.

She nods her head slightly, not making eye contact with him.
"Good. Now I will see you two later." He smirks, his boots clomping against the ground as he walks away, the door closing behind him.

It's quiet accept for your shaking breath and Liz's heavy breathing, "I did it... because you have a chance"

"I-I... what?" Shaylee mumbles, confused.

The older girl looks up at her with piercing grey eyes, "You have a chance to escape, you can leave... you can do it" she says, fierce determination in her eyes and words.

"But what about you? I can get you out as well!" She says, not wanting to leave behind Elizabeth, especially with that man, the girl has obviously been suffering in here for a long time.

"Lee... I'm too weak to do anything. Lee you have a chance! You have a chance to escape," She says, almost pleadingly, "you can leave this place!"

"Liz... Elizabeth... you can't just expect me to leave you here, not with that man!" She pleads, "I can get you out of here, I promise."

"... Alright... but we're going to need a plan"

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