Hunger for Blood

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Quincey: (Quince) boyfriend to Leon, a demon possesses his mind and often breaks when the demon goes without blood for a while.

Leon: (Leo) boyfriend to Quincey.


"Quincey please- Quince, baby please, put the knife down," I beg as I slowly back up, tears rolling down my face, "Quincey please! Quince I love you! Please! I can't fight you!"

Demonic laughter rings through the air, causing me to whimper, " you have no idea the p a i n I have to suffer when I don't k i l l , and now look . I've been forced to k i l l y o u ." My back hits a wall and my heart stops for a second.

"Please... please don't do this Quincey..." I beg as I stare at the one I love, half malformed into a demon.

" It's pathetic really . . . The h e r o begging for his life " The creature places it knife to my stomach, " did you know I could s t a b you 37 times and not hit a major organ but you still wouldn't b l e e d o u t ? " I gasp and slowly sink to the ground as the knife impales me the first time, the demonic laughter rings through the air again while slowly the knife impales my stomach 36 more times, all while I can't do anything but stare up into Quincey's eyes.

"I-I still love you.... I d-don't blame you...." I mutter out, god all the pain, it all just hurts so much.

" You're going to d i e an idiot " my love.... my corrupted beautiful boyfriend..... I can't hate him, it's not his fault... he never asked for this so I just give a small weak smile before pain courses through my neck.

I jolt awake, a dry scream slipping from my lips as I clutch my throat and my stomach, panting heavily, "fuck..... oh fuck...." I mumble as I pant, cold sticky sweat dripping down my body, "I-it was just a d-dream....." I mumble, trying to call myself down, "Quincey would never do that to you...." I flop back down onto my mattress and run a hand through my hair.
'it was only a dream..... right?'

I grab my phone, tears streaming down my cheeks as I hold it close to my ear, not even expecting Quincey to pick up.

"Leo.....? Why are you calling at three in the morning...?" Quince's sleepy voice comes over the phone and I can feel myself start to relax at the sound of my voice.

"C-could you.... come over to my place...?" I whimper out.

"Leo you're crying.... hold on, I will be right over." Quincey says, I can hear some shuffling before he hangs up. I set my phone down and just say curled up, not able to stop the tears that bubble from my eyes.

Soon a quite knock on the door is heard, "Leo...? Leon it's Quincey" I can hardly lift my hand to grab my phone and text him where the spare key is let alone get up.

I set my phone down again and hear the front door open then close and then the soft speak of my door as it opens.

"Leo....?" Quincey shuts the door behind him and walks over to me, bringing my crying figure into his arms, "shhh.... shh.... its okay Leo... I'm here for you now..." he mumbles softly, rubbing my back. My eyes slowly flutter shut, his presence and soothing touch slowly lulling me back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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