I Can't Leave You

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Lillian (Lilly)
Stella (Stella)
Thomas (Stella's dad)
Ben (Stella's dad)
Lukas (Stella's oldest brother)
Peter (Stella's youngest brother)


"Ella! Hurry up!" Lillian giggles happily and helps pull Stella up into the loft of the old barn.

"Okay I'm going!" Stella says with bright smile, and goes to explore around the small loft.

"Okay okay, so what do you think would happen if we both traveled to France for collage?! We could stay with my papa, and you could taste his amazing sweets in person!" Lillian says, turning around on her heals.

A few creaks and groans can be heard from the barn.

"That sounds amazing Lilly" Stella responds with a smile, sitting down on a blanket they had brought up.

"Trust me, you would looooove France! The culture, the food, the language! It's just so, how you say, magnifique~!" Lillian giggles with a another twirl, remembering her time lived in the countryside of Paris.

Another groan is emitted from the old rotting wood

"Not as much as you do Lilly, I'm sure of that" Stella giggles softly, as Lillian walks over to her best friend, sitting on a blanket across from her.

"Well it's easier to miss something once you leave it..." Lillian says with a soft smile, "but I'm enjoying my time in Finland, even though it's so weird that you have blood pancakes... I'm pretty sure my younger brother would cry if he ever saw them"

"Yeah it's definitely an... odd... tradition when you think about it" Stella giggles and shakes her head, curling up in the blanket.

Another loud groan an be heard from the roof, then a large snap.

Both girls look up, fear crawling into the corner of their eyes, "Shaylee... what was that..." Lillian says softly, her breathing slow and scared.

"I don't know Lilly.... It-" her words are cut off as part of the ceiling falls, dangerously close to Lillian legs.

Lilly screams out in fear, quickly moving over to Ella and clinging to her, fear and adrenaline pumping through Lillian's eyes, "Lilly we have to get out of here!" Stella grabs Lillian's arm and pulls her to her feet.

"R-Right-" a loud groan can be heard as more ceiling starts crumbling, "STELLA MOVE!" Lilly shouts pushing the unsuspecting girl away, and trying to move herself out of the way, but is only able to move so far before the roof collapses onto the lower half of Lillian's body.

"LILLIAN!" Stella screams, rushing to the aid of her friend and tries to push away the wood.

"Stella go!" Lillian snaps, knowing that the barn won't last much longer, "go get Thomas and Ben! It's going to be no use if both of us get stuck" she makes up any excuse to get Stella out of the barn and to salty even if she ends up getting harmed.

"I can't just leave you!" Stella's words are drowned out as the rest of roof let's off another groan, Lillian pushes her towards the only exit.

"The quicker you go, the faster you can get help for me" Stella stands up reluctantly and nods, hesitant to leave.

A loud snap cuts through the air and the roof completely collapses.

Lillian covers her neck and head as the old wood falls onto us both, kicking up sawdust and dust, "S-STELLA" she calls out with a cough cough and desperately shoves some of the pieces of her, trying to wiggle free. Lillian hears the floor boards creak and groan under all the extra weight, fear and adrenaline pump through the blonde girl's veins as she is able to pull herself from under a pile of debris, "Ella?! Oh god Stella answer me!" She scrambles on her hands and knees as she searches for any sign of her friend. She shoves a larger piece of wood away, finding Stella's hand and arm, "STELLA!" She gasps and scrambles to uncover the unconscious girl. The barns floorboards groan again, the sound of cracking and splintering fills the air again as the floor collapses under all the extra weight. Lillian is just able to snatch Stella's arm before she falls, the old wood clattering to the floor below where you dangle. "Oh god... oh god oh god..." Lillian mumbles as she struggles to hold up her friends weight, the splintered wood digging into her gut as she holds onto Stella's unconscious form, "THOMAS! BEN! LUKE! PETER! SOMEONE HELP!" Lillian screams out, the floor boards groaning in effort below her, as her grip on Stella slowly starts slipping.

"LILLIAN! STELLA!" She hears a shout from the house.

"SOMEONE PLEASE!" Lillian cries out again, "HELP!" Tears slowly flow down her cheeks, her grip slowly loosening, "nonononono... oh god no... PLEASE HURRY!"

"Lillian!" She looks down slightly at the sound of Thomas shouting from below, she hadn't realizing that her eyes where closed, "Lillian me and Ben are down here, I need you to calm down and gently let go of Stella's arm" he says, trying to calm the crying girl down.

"I-I can't! Sh-She'll get hurt!" She sobs out, another groan coming from the floor boards below her.

"Lillian, Ben will catch her, trust me!" Lillian nods slightly and takes a shaky breath, letting go of your arm. Ben catches his adoptive daughter carefully and quickly gets her to safety.

The floor creak and groans, as Lillian screams and sobs as it breaks slightly, causing it to dip down slightly, the broken splintered wood dig farther into her stomach, "T-Tomas!" She sobs out, clinging to the breaking floor board in fear and pain.

"Lillian don't move!" Thomas says, trying to calm Lillian down.

"Thomas, oh god... oh god oh god..." she whimpers in fear, tears streaming down her pink cheeks, "I'm going to die... I'm going to die..."

"Lillian please... I need you to calm down and look at me please..." Lillian slowly opens her teary blue eyes and looks at him, "it's alright... I'm right here... it's going to be okay..."

Lillian doesn't have time to respond as she screams again, another crack splitting through the air.

"Lillian, just hang on okay? It's going to be okay..." Thomas says and she just nods slightly, scared to speak in case it breaks at the noise.

Sirens can be heard from down the street.

"T-Thomas... is Stella going to be okay?" She whimpers out softly, sniffling as well.

"Stella will be fine Lillian... let's worry about you right now-" the floor boards snap once again, Lillian screams out once again, the floor completely falling, she shuts her eyes tight, the last thing she sees is the ground rushing closer to her.

Lillian forces open her eyes, everything around her blurry as she glances around slightly, a annoying ringing noise piercing her.

"T-Thomas...?" She is able to mumble before groaning in pain, Thomas's blurry face above her, his lips move but no words ever pass them, "T-Thomas... I can't h-hear you-" Lillian cuts herself off with a cough, which just causes her world spin twice as much, "mmm..." she gasps softly in pain before letting her blue eyes slip closed once again.

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