Ch 17

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3rd person pov

Not Taehyung nor Y/N attended school school on Friday just the rest of the boys. They've tried to call Taehyung but he wouldn't answer. They're afraid that this time he might do something stupid, he just got his heart broken and then healed for just a while and then shattered all over again.

Jimin : " Maybe...we should go to his house after school..."

Jungkook : " Yeah!"

Namjoon sighed along with Jin. "Why don't we all say what we've all been thinking!" Namjoon says slamming his hands on the table.

Jimin : " I.."

Namjoon : " That it was a bad idea to let the two get so close!"

Yoongi : " It wasn't! She changed him back okay!"

Namjoon : " But even she did....she definitely changed him back into his cold self again!"

Jin : " He's right...we were idiots to think that y/n could be the reason....but we ended up leading him into his next heart break.."

Hoseok : " I think....I think this whole y/n thing....might have been worse though..."

Jungkook : " Yeah....with Minah...I didn't even see him shed a tear...he wasn't sad nor depressed...he was just mad at the world..."

Hoseok : " But as soon as y/n turned her back....."

Jimin : " He shed tears.....a lot..."

Jimin knew the reason y/n chose Jinyoung....As soon as they entered the apartment Taehyung turned his back making all the boys follow him but Jimin stayed behind lost and confused. He never saw y/n as the person to cheat nor lead a person on. And just then he heard screams coming from the apartment....He heard everything....

The fake relationship....the contract....

But the real question was....why even is there a contract to begin with?....

He decided not to speak up until he's spoken to y/n knowing that she might be against him telling anyone.

The guys arrived at Taehyung's front door and the person who opened the door shocked them all.


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