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Serena's POV

The door swung open as soon as the call ended.

"Serena!" Uncle Jim called.

"I'm in the kitchen!" I replied, quickly putting my phone in my pocket. 

Jim hurried into the kitchen and let out a sigh of relief. I wondered if he had gotten a call from Barbara too.

"Good you're safe." He said.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, raising a brow.

Jim shrugged. Worried filled inside of me.

"Why?" I repeated.

"Did you get a call from an unknown number?" Jim asked.

He had gotten a call from Barbara too. I knew it.

"No, why?" I lied.

I didn't want to  lie, but I had no choice. Jim would have totally taken my phone and would have found out I was going to Arkham to visit Barbara. And Jim would never let me go see her cause she's crazy. 

"It's nothing. Barbara got a phone in Arkham and called Lee and I. We figured she would have called you too, since you two were close." Jim pointed out.

She called Lee too? Weird.

"Huh, weird. She didn't call me. What did she tell you?" I asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about. I'm just glad she didn't call you." Jim said.

"Why?" I asked.

Jim sighed.

"Listen Serena. I know you and Barbara were close. But that woman who was almost your aunt and the woman she is now are two totally different people. She isn't the same person she used to be Serena. She's dangerous and crazy. I was worried that if she called you, you would believe everything she said cause you trust her. But you have to trust Lee and I, Barbara isn't someone who can be trusted." Jim said.

I sighed.

I didn't want to believe him, but what if he was right? She did try to kill Lee. I don't really know why she killed Lee, but I know why she killed her parents. And as bad as it sounds, I don't blame her. Her parents were so mean to her. Now, I don't think it was right for her to kill them, but they should have not gotten away with treating Barbara like that. 

"I know." I said, with a sigh.

"I'm sorry Serena." Jim said, awkwardly. 

"It's fine. I'm going to bed, it's been a long night." I said, yawning.

Jim nodded.

"I'm heading to Lee's. I'll be home around 7 pm, tomorrow. Okay?" Jim asked.

I nodded. 

Jim left and shut the door. 

I groaned, how was I going to keep lying like this?

I walked over to my bed and fell asleep. I had a long day ahead of me.



I woke around 8 am, and quickly got dressed. I wore a plain dark blue sweatshirt with jeans and had my hair in a high ponytail. I was a little nervous about going to Arkham, I mean it's filled with murders and psychos.

I grabbed my phone and headed outside. It was kind of chilly outside, so I was glad I was wearing my sweatshirt. I had the necklace that Barbara gave me on as well, and I quickly began to walk. It took about 20 minutes of walking, but I reached Arkham Asylum. I couldn't take a car, because I'm 15, I can't drive! I hurried inside the building.

I walked straight up to the desk where a woman was working. She looked at me, confused. Probably because a kid just strolled into a mental asylum.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could visit a patient." I said.

"What's the patients name?" She asked.

"Barbara Kean."I answered.

"I thought she killed all her family." The woman muttered.

"I'm her niece, Serena." I said quickly. 

And another lie, since I'm not really her niece anymore, but whatever.

"Follow the guard on the left, and he'll lead you into the rec hall. Ms. Kean should be in there." The woman said.

"Thanks." I said, and walked off, trying to not show that I was nervous. 

I followed the guard down the hall and we turned a corner to where I saw a room.

That must be where Barbara is.

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