Sexuall romancin p.1

302 6 2


(Ring my bells-Enrique Iglesias)

(Catching feelings -Justin bieber )

(She will be loved - maroon 5)

(Another world- one direction)


I open my eyes to find Kylie sleeping beside me snoring with her big mouth wide open

I find it odd since It's so shiny in the room

I quickly look at my phone to see what time is it

I rest my head back at the pillow , there's no way we're catching up at school its already 8

To my surprise i have 2 new text messages which is rare .

I sweep to the right to open them

1st message

From: Justiiiin

'good morning beautiful xx '

I grin like an idiot and press on the next one

Form: Justiiiin

i was thinking you should skip school today ;) , i want to take you out

I let out a squeal and type in

' morning babe xx
guess i already did lol , yea sure! that should be fun '

I put my phone on the nightstand and decide not wakeup Kylie she would totally freak out if she know we skipped

her mother is a control freak

I drag myself to take a nice long shower since my hair was in mess from standing under the rain last night

i finish and go to my closet with a towel wrapped around my body I stop at the sound of my phone

I suppose its Justin


'Cool , pick you up in 10 min

P.s don't eat breakfast ;) "

I smile and run back to get dressed

I really don't know what the to wear

When will come the day when i open my closet throw a simple outfit and leave

I dig my legs in a blue skinny ripped jeans and wiggle it up , I put on a Black see-threw halter top along with my white converse , I let my hair up in a messy bun and thats it

I looked ..nice

When i'm about to get out of he room I trip at something and kiss the ground with a loud thud .. Ofcures

I hear a sound coming from the bed
I make my way fast to the door in my knees hoping she won't catch me

"I see you" Shit !

"I was just looking for something" i say getting up pretending that found my phone

"Where the fuck are you going " she spit out

"Um , i'm going out with justin " i say, she has no expression on her face

"sorry i did't wake you up , but i had to skip school today "

"Dammit Selena , my mom is gonna kill me " she say angrily

"calm down , i'll call her don't worry"

i assure her not really sure how I'll talk to her mom she doesn't like me that much

"Fine" she say in annoyance "Better make a good lie about that , she's not easy , " She says going back to sleep

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