I'm sorry .

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It was the end of the day at school, Me and Kylie were hanging out all day and it felt so nice to be back like old days .

Everyone at school was giving us weird looks all day , Me and Kylie would look at them and smile and look back to each other and laugh

It was funny how much attention we got today from walking with each other after our infamous fight .

Since i have nothing to do all day , I suggested that I cook for us today and she eagerly agreed . Kylie really loves my cooking so I figured she would anyways

And now we're at Walmart to get the stuff we need

"i have been looking for those"
my eyes widen when they landed on takis , i took five and throw them on the shopping car

At the corner of my eyes I can feel Kylie staring at me like I just grew two heads or something


"You know that only me and you will eat these stuff right" she says looking at all the things i bought

We'll a girl need her food aren't I right ....specially after a breakup .

"Haha" i laugh sarcasticly "no huny you meen only me who's going to eat this stuff , you should buy yourself some food cause your not coming closer to mine" i say flipping her off

"You're a pig , you eat alot thats not fair" she say giggling

"How's that not fair" i defended

"Cause you have a fuckin model body and you eat like a pig but look at me , i always eat healthy but I look like a fat cow"

"First of all stop calling me a pig and second of all your body slays mine ,I wish I have your curves" she got to be kidding me I'd die for her body

"You're so obsessed with Takis" she says shaking her head and throws her hair on her back .

"Well you should try it , its good"

"Okay, i'll just take one from you"

"Ugh now I wish I never told you" i say rolling my eyes earning Kylie to push me and laugh



"Bad Day"

No I didn't think you would let me down that easy

And I didn't think it was over until you walked away

Like it was nothing, baby

And that moment was so hard for me to breathe

Cause you took away the biggest part of me

Life is so unpredictable

Never thought a love like yours would leave me all alone

Didn't waste any time

Like you had already made up your mind

No sympathy

Cause I was out of line

But I didn't think you would let me down that easy

And I didn't think it was over until you walked away

Like it was nothing girl

It was a bad day

I know I was wrong

But you could've said goodbye baby

It was a bad day"

i read from my journal between my hands , it was 9 in the morning and I thought that I needed sometime alone , so i went to the studio to write

My destroyer lifesaver (Jelena)Where stories live. Discover now