The Town at the End of the World

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"Anthony! Wake up!" Nathaniel shouted as he ran into the room.

"What?" Anthony says, still groggy from sleeping.

"There's so many of those things!" Nathaniel says as he pulls Anthony out of his bed.

"Damnit man, I don't even have pants on." Anthony pulls his dirty pants on. "Okay, what's up?"

"Come on! Follow me!" Nathaniel runs out of the room.

Anthony jogs after him, the sun blinding him momentarily.

As Anthony runs to the wall he sees all the other families cleaning and eating around the town.

"Up here!" Nathaniel shouts as he waves from the top of the makeshift wall.

"One second." Anthony climbs up, looking over the wall.

Anthony looks over the wall, there's about 50 of those things out there. Some of them are screaming at the bottom of the wall.

"You kids shouldn't be up here!" Samantha, one of the town leaders, shouts.

"Sorry ma'am we were just interested." Anthony replies climbing down from the wall.

"You can't just let your brother do whatever he wants, Anthony." Samantha says.

"Come on Sam, I'm 15 I can take care of myself." Nathaniel says pouting.

"That doesn't mater. Now go eat breakfast." Samantha orders as she walks off to pester somebody else.

Anthony and Nathaniel get to the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast?" Anthony asks the chef.

"Well, we finally got chickens so I cooked up some eggs. Our plants are also coming in so there's fresh vegetables." The chef says handing the boys each a tray.

"Oh I'm so glad. I was tired of that canned shit." Nathaniel says.

"Don't swear." Anthony tells Nathaniel as they sit down at a crowded picnic table.

"So what's been happening?" Anthony asks watching as Nathaniel eats his food.

"Well apparently somebody killed one of the supply scouters when they went out."

"What? Who was it?" Anthony scarfs down his food.

"I don't know his name, but they're sending out a few more people to capture the guy that did this." Nathaniel finishes his food and gets up, leaving his plate on the table.

"That's really interesting." Anthony finishes and takes both trays back to chef. "Wait up." Anthony says as Nathaniel walks out of the kitchen.

Anthony follows him out.

"Hey guys!" Charlie says as she runs up to the boys. "Did you see those things? These so many of them."

"Yeah we saw them." Anthony says trying to keep up with his brother.

"I got some great pictures look." Charlie holds her camera up showing them pictures.

"Wow those a really gross." Anthony says look at the grotesque creatures standing at the walls.

"I know right! It's great." She looks at the pictures.

"How did you sleep?" Anthony asks Charlie.

"Okay-ish" Charlie says putting her camera back in her bag. "There's so much screaming now that those things are everywhere."

"Yeah, it's pretty hard to get a good nights sleep now." Anthony says watching Nathaniel run off the find his friends.

"Did you hear about the scouters that was killed?" Anthony asks.

"Yeah, it was John. They could get his body. But they said he was shot near the highway leading into the city." Charlie sits down on a bench.

"That's really sad. I wonder who did it." Anthony looks down at the ground.

"Hey it's okay." Charlie puts her hand on his shoulder. "Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, I just have trouble concentrating even more." Anthony says looking up at Charlie.

"Open up!" A man shouts as the front gates creek open. "We've got the people responsible for John's death."

Anthony, Charlie, and everybody else in the town gather around the truck.

"Get out." The man orders.

A young women, no older than 23 stepped out, she was followed by a little girl, she looked about 10.

A teddy bear is stuck around the little girl's belt, which looks like it's too small.

The women limps forward, watching the girl to make sure she's okay.

The girl looks right at Anthony.

"Holy shit." She says.


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