[4]:: tony padilla

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requested by @fairly_odd_fangirl

there he was, walking down the hallways without a care in the world

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there he was, walking down the hallways without a care in the world. he smiled at me, and i returned it, but he could never be mine.

you might just think that i'm an overdramatic teenager, and he's just a cute guy who i can't date because he has a girlfriend. no, i can never date him. because he is gay. cue the tears.

i know, how tragic.

he walked up to me. i'm starting to panic! whenever tony and i talk we're always with clay! what the hell am i supposed to say?

"hey, emily," he said.

"hiya, tony."

"you up to anything later today?"

chest pain!

"uh, n-no. i'm not. why?" I tried (and failed) to act cool.

"you wanna go out to the mountain for a hike?" he asked. "j-just a suggestion," tony added timidly.

"of course, t!" i exclaimed.
"i'll see you then."

then i hoped off to the cafeteria to find clay.

"clay, guess what!" i took a seat next him, startling clay seeing as he was very interested in his mashed potatoes.

"shit, emily! don't scare me!
what happened?" he asked.

"tony invited me for a hike!"

"oooh. make sure to use protection," clay teased. he was the only person in the world who knew about my crush on tony, and probably the only person in the world who didn't know that tony was gay.

"you do know that he's gay, don't you?"

"wait, what?"

i laughed at him, very hard.

"i thought you were just being all hipster, like, 'do you know what it's like loving someone who will never love you?' and shit like that, but... you literally meant..."

"i never said any stupid shit like that. granted, i thought it. but i didn't say it out loud."

clay laughed. "oh, fuck you, clay!"


i ran out of school as soon as the bell rang. tony was waiting by his beautiful red mustang. "you ready?" he asked.

"yup," i smiled.

the car ride was long, but music filled the gap. we didn't talk much. we didn't have to. god, did that sound cheesy!

"here we are. my brothers and i used to come up here all the time."

we got out of the car and started up a trail.

"so... tony," i started. "uh. why did you invite me to do this?"

tony stopped, causing me to come to a halt. "em, i... uh, i think i like you..."

"i thought you were gay," i chuckled, though i definitely was not complaining.

tony looked down shyly, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"i thought so, too," he said.


he looked up.

"i know i like you," i said.

he slowly took a step closer to me.
"em, is it okay if i kiss you?"

"way more than okay."

A/n: hope you like it❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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