another friggin autors note

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Hello people, it's me, your least favorite author who never updates like ever

Sorry, but I'm leaving again

The camp I volunteer at called me to come this week because two girls dropped out. So I'll be doing that.

It's a day camp and Im always second priority to my parents, so because my sister works there, they're having me stay all week because 'they can't make it with [brother's] play practices and [other brother's] football.

Don't get me wrong. I'm fine with going to camp. But now they're making me leave today instead of taking me tomorrow morning.

But I will be so happy to get away from my family for a whole week.

My dad keeps saying "don't be a demon when we go to pick you up" because if I even say one sarcastic thing when I get back, I won't get to go to my friend's sweet sixteen.

I mean fml forever am I right

Sorry for the rant

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