[11]:: montgomery de la cruz

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requested by @montys_wifey

"he's looking over here," zach said, "quick! try to look sexy!"

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"he's looking over here," zach said, "quick! try to look sexy!"

i closed my locker and pinched the bridge of my nose. "first of all, i don't have to try to look sexy. this happens on its own. second, no he's not."

"he is. why won't you just flirt with him. he likes you, too!" zach whined as i started to walk away.

"no. he does not. and i don't even like him that much," i lied. i've had the hugest crush on montgomery since freshman year. but i've always been too scared to tell him.

"liar. you two are obviously in love. you could cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife," he chuckled. he walked into the cafeteria and i stole a quick glance at monty.

he was talking to jeff atkins, but his eyes were looking at me. he quickly looked away, as did i. "ivonne, c'mon!" zach called. i tried to stop myself from blushing as i walked over to the jock table.

i took my normal seat with zach on my left and no one on my right, across from justin foley. "hey guys." justin and few other guys greeted us.

"heyo." i flashed a peace sign and took out my lunch.

the doors squeaked open again, but i paid no attention to anything other than my food and the conversation i was having with zach.

"i'm really excited for the new one," i said through a mouthful of my sandwich. "did you know that before yoda died he told luke that he would be the last jedi. so he's probably gonna die and tell rey the sa—"

"hey monty, jeff," said justin, cutting my sentence short. it wasn't often that baseball teammates would eat with us.

"hey man," monty replied as he took the space next to me. "hey ivonne," he smiled.

"uh, hello montgomery," i replied.

zach elbowed me in the rib and i turned to him. "what?" i mouthed.

he responded with a kissy face. i rolled my eyes and giggled. "i've got a plan," zach mouthed back. "so, ivonne, so you have a date for the spring formal?" zach asked, sounding like he was flirting.

"no..." i replied.

"how could you not have a date?" he scoffed. "you're totally hot."

oh. i get what he's doing now. a little flirty flirt to make monty jealous.

"thank you, zach," i giggled, hoping that monty would react.

"would you like to go with m—"

"seriously, bro?" monty demanded as he stood. "you know!" he growled.

"i'm sorry dude, but ivonne is just so hot," zach continued to press.

i had sunk low in my seat, confused as to why monty was getting upset. "back the fuck off," said monty lowly.

"guys, stop," i commanded.

"i can't stop what i'm feeling," zach said. i placed my head in my hands. how could monty not tell this was fake? this has got to be the worst acting ever!

monty walked around me and grabbed zach by the collar of his shirt, yanking him out of his seat. "whoa. dude, chill out," zach tried to pull away.

monty raised his fist but i leaped up. "stop now!" i yelled, as i got in between the two boys.

monty let go of zach and backed up. i could tell he was pissed, but i didn't know why. "montgomery. hallway. now!" i demanded before storming off.

i knew he had followed because he shouted at me as soon as the door closed. "why the hell did you do that?"

"what are you talking about? i'm not the one who tried to beat a dude up!" i yelled back.

"he was flirting with you!"

"what the fuck is that supposed to mean? last time i checked, you didn't give a shit about who flirted with me," i scoffed, crossing my arms.

monty laughed humorlessly. "ivonne, why do you think your ex broke his nose the week after he broke up with you?"

"that was you? why?" i continued to shout.

"because i give a shit!"


"i like you, okay?" he screamed.

my insides melted. i froze. it felt like my legs were about to fall out from under me. "you... you do?"

he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "uh... yeah. yes, i do," he said quietly.

"oh," i smiled. "then i should probably tell you that i like you."

"well shit," monty laughed. "all this time i've been too scared to talk to you, and you like me too?"

i laughed to. "so... what happens now?"

"ivonne, will you be my girlfriend? wait i mean date me! or —"

"yes. i'll be your girlfriend," i cut him off.

"okay." he smiled and nodded. "can i— uh... is it okay for me to kiss yo—"

i cut him off yet again by pressing my lips to his. he put a hand behind my neck and kissed back immediately.

when we pulled away, i knew i wore the same goofy smile that he had. "wow."

"wow indeed," i chuckled.

a/n: what do ya think? i hope you like it. i thought this idea was super cute btw💞💖💞💞💖💖💞💖💖💞

tyler is creeping n peeping as always ew

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