Chapter 7. Amber

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Trisha wasn't there when we retuned, I asked the staff about her but they only said she'd be back early tomorrow;I asked who was in charge of the hotel now but they only shrugged. I brought Amber with me to my room after explaining that Trisha is not working tonight but she will be here in the morning.

"So this is like a sleep over?" She asked as I closed the door, " well, if that's how you want to put it" I threw the keys on the kitchen counter.  

" what are we going to do?" She asked, "what would you want to do?"  I asked going through the cupboards finding pure junk food and only a few fruits in the fridge, "what do you want?" I asked her opening the cupboards one by one,"I don't have any sensible thing that I could cook for us just pure junk food" I told her as I took of my scarf and tieing it around my waist.

" Can I have the cheese balls?" She asked as she took off her fur coat, "here" I said taking the coat from her and handing her the bag of cheese ball, "knock yourself out" I said walking into the room.

I hang Amber's coat on the racks behind the door along with my scarf, I sat at the end of the bed taking off my boots, I held them in one hand as I walked inside the walk-in closest, placing them in there correct place I started searching for my smallest shirts and an old set of shorts, I threw them over my shoulder as I took out a pair of cotton shorts and a blue shirt and some under wear for myself.

I continued digging through the drawers until I found two small undies "Aha,I knew you were in here" I smile triumphantly as I grabbed one and placed the other on the top of the pile , closing the drawer i made my way back to the room, after laying the clothes neatly on the bed I made my way through the door.

" Holy molely,your face looks like a slice of cheese" Amber was sitting exactly were I left her except her face along with her hands were covered in cheese, I smile shaking my head,as I made my way to her she gave me a toothy grin showing her yellowy teeth, " let's get you cleaned up" I smile at her as I took her from the stool and place her on my hips.

I took the now empty bag of cheese balls from her cheesy little fingers, after throwing away the empty bag I made my way to the room going straight to the bathroom.

Amber allowed me to bathe her and wash her hair because she didn't know how to bathe in the standing  showers, in the end I had to send her into the room by herself because I was completely soaked, after showering and washing my hair I rapped a towel around my body and another around my hair like I did to amber.

When I entered the room, amber was sitting on the bed only in the undie I laid on the bed, "why aren't you in any clothes?" I ask her as I pick up my clothes," I don't know how to put them on properly, Greece would normally do it for me" she said looking at her fingers.

"Alright, I will teach you, just give me a minute" I rushed into the bathroom pulling the shirt over my head as I drop the towel covering my body,I pulled on my underwear then my shorts, I  towel dry my hair though it was still damp when I went back into the room.

"Ok, where were we? Aw yes the clothes" I said to her as I clasp my hands together giving her a silly grin to which she giggled at. "Now, looky here amber, you see this is where you put your arms," I point at the two arm holes then at the head,"that's where your head goes" I took the shirt and showed her where to put her arms and how to pull it over her head, "I did it Lilly, I did it!" She giggled bouncing up and down.

Though the shirt was a little big it did the job but the shorts kept falling off so amber decided to ditch them. Both of us where sprawled across the bed watch The Island princess.

Half way through the movie we both fell asleep.


Amber's POV

I woke up to the sounds of the busy New York nearly forgetting where I am. I went into the bathroom use the toilet, flush it and wash my hands standing on the stool lily brought in last night, I brushed my teeth with the purple tooth brush Lilly gave me then made my way to the kitchen. Lilly was on the phone but as soon as I took a seat on one of the stools her call ended. "Good morning amber, I just finished talking to Trisha, she'll be here in an hour," she smiled as she place a cup of chocolate tea in front of me with a fork and a bowl of fruits.

I smile at her telling her good morning and thank you, she smiled at me and went into the room,she does that a lot,I thought  as I begin to eat.

Lillian is a nice person, though its strange she she has my last name and looks a lot like my daddy, I wouldn't mind being related with her. She saved me from that evil man, at first I was scared of her but when she took me to her home after walking all day with me just to try find Mariya, I started to relax around her when she gave me a bath and helped into my clothes but I like her most when she gave me the cheese balls and took care of my cheek that was swollen shut with a big purple bruise, I hated it but it kinda went down and my cheek isn't that swollen but the purple colour is still faintly there. I don't think she know who my parents are but she still helps me.

I finished the bowl of fruits and drank the tea. It was amazing but I was upset when i went to take another sip only to see the cup was empty. " What's with the long face" Lilly laughed coming in yo take the bowl and the empty cup away. I pout and cross my arms.

"It's finished" I stated, "what finished amber?" Lilly questioned after washing the dishes, "the tea, it's finished" I whine.

Lilly started to laugh at me while coming to pick me up off the chair. I swat her hands away and got down myself. "Don't laugh Lilly, its not funny" I started to walk into the room before being lifted into the air and place on Lilly's hip as she walked into the room" I didn't know you liked the tea that much amber, I'm sorry for laughing, I promise to make you more another day" she smile putting me down,"promise?" I asked sticking my pinky out to her,her smile faded but as soon as it disappeared it returned.

"Promise" she said joining her pinky with mine.


The door rang just as Lilly and I finished Watching Barbie The Island Princess, I liked the ending.

We were arguing about what was the best part when Lilly open the door and cutting me off as I screamed and ran to my mommy, showering my face in kisses once in her arms as tears ran down her face.

I hug her and kiss her while wiping away her tears, "mommy don't worry,I'm ok, Lilly saved me from the evil man" I told her when she frowned at the barely purple bruise on my cheek.

" Lilly?"

"Hello" Lilly greeted shyly, smiling at my mommy, I giggled at her. My mommy ran to Lilly and hugged her thanking her for keeping me safe after I told her what had happen yesterday.

"No worries Mrs. Macford, I just regret not stopping him sooner, I could have prevented him from slapping her and giving her that bruise" Lilly said looking down, I didn't know she felt sad because of my bruise, I hugged her legs looking up to her face, "it's not your fault Lilly, it's mine for leaving Mariya, I'm sorry" she crouched down in front of me as I let her legs go, she swept my bangs away smiling at me. "Your a brave girl amber and you shouldn't be sorry, if anybody deserves go be sorry its that horrible man" she frowned but smile at me pinching my not injured cheek. I swat her hand away frowning as she smiled and stuck her tongue out at me, I scowl at her turning to my mommy,
" mommy where is daddy?"

"He's in the lobby, let's go see him so he knows your ok" I said taking my hand," come along Lilly" mommy said to Lilly.

We made our way to the lobby taking the elevator down.

"Daddy!" I screamed running to him as soon as I saw him, he caught me as I jumped at him. He cup my face kissing me but frowned at the bruise on my cheek,he look up to mommy but froze as he saw lilly.

"Lilly this is my daddy" I said proudly looking at her, she too stood frozen in the spot, shock written all over her face.

"Lilly" daddy whisper putting me down softly, slowly making his way to her, I frowned but was confused once I looked to Lilly to see tears running down her face.

I am confused, why is Lilly crying and daddy looking at her like that?

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