Chapter 6. Lost Child

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*2 weeks later*

It has been two weeks since the club incident and I haven't left the room since and since the remaining money I had left I couldn't spend it leisurely on room service, that's just wasting it. I really need a job soon but differently at the moment I'm getting ready to go out,my refrigerator needs stocking cause its currently empty.
I threw on a comfortably,warm outfit because the snow began to fall at a rapid pace late last night,it's still snowing but not as hard as earlier this morning...

I threw on a comfortably,warm outfit because the snow began to fall at a rapid pace late last night,it's still snowing but not as hard as earlier this morning

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\\\\her outfit\\\\\

It's roughly around 1o'clock when I stepped out of the hotel after asking Trisha where I could find a supermarket,that is after our discussion about why I had left early without giving them a heads up and not coming down for so long,after my explanation tho she seemed to understand then calling one of her employees she sent them to fetch my car while she gave me a map and directions, when the man can back she shooed me away.

After getting lost multiple times,I finally found the place Trisha directed me to. Tho is was quite some distance from the hotel, it was rather large. After entering I stood rooted to the spot,mouth agape, for a couple minutes before composing myself and marching up the escalator rid rod straight. It was hard to keep my eyes from popping out of my skull and rolling away when everything fascinated me, why?

The answer was simple, I had never been to a supermarket before so this was all new to me, its like I just found an interesting book to read after searching for many  hours.
Slowly,very slowly I wondered the supermarket. Looking at everything taking in the sight like a thirsty person just coming out of the desert after many days without water. I listened to everything from the little banters of couples to the crying and giggling of toddlers not much older than 5, and also the cute gurgling of young babies.

After a while I decided to pick up some groceries. I stopped dead in my tracks,listening closely I heard the crying of a young child a few miles away from me,I thought it was one of the other kids throwing tantrums because they didn't get want they wanted but this crying didn't sound anything like the others, it sounded desperately helpless. I should just mind my own business and be off with my shopping but curiosity got the better of me after hearing small pleas. I started to follow the sound,I picked up my pace when the crying got louder, is it me alone hearing this or is everyone else deaf ? I started to question my mental state but still following the sound. Rounding a corner,I stopped dead in my tracks. A middle aged man that looked to be in his late thirty's was desperately trying to get a very frighten toddler to go with him just as the toddler resisted the man again, he hit her, right in the face making her cry louder as she fell to the floor. Anger boiled in me as I stared to march my way to them, " who the fuck to you think you are to manhandled my niece!?!"
I screeched with venom dripping from my voice,I'm not a really violent person  and i didn't know the child but still, if this man was a creep trying to make a hasty getaway with this poor Innocent child, he has another thing coming.
The man turned instantly and began running towards the exit not even looking back at me once.
I slowly made my way to the frightened little girl, " hey are you ok? " that was a stupid question, I mentally face palmed myself. I scoohed closer to the little girl, her big doe eyes stare at me intently watching my every move, oddly they seemed familiar, I brushed the thought away, it couldn't be,
" Let me help you find your family"  I cooed at her as I wiped her wet cheeks. I stood up and held my hand out to her, her small chubby hand slowly crept into my hand, i enclosed my fingers around her small hand and soon both of us were searching the whole place. Our search soon came to a halt as the speakers announced it was time for closing, we made our way through the door just before the shutters came down, turning around I realised that it was dusk and the sun was no where to be seen. The little girl name named Amber became a historic mess of Cry's and sobs about how she wants her mom and dad, " please take me home Lilly, i want to go home, so my mom and dad can tuck me in and sing the silly song they made for me, please I want to go home, please take me home" she chanted over and over again each time clutching tighter and tighter to me like I would suddenly disappear, my heart bled for her but I don't know who she came there with a and who the heck are her parents, they must be worried sick. I hurried across the parking lot, unlocked my car, I strapped the crying child in the passenger seat beside me and made my way to the drivers side. " Amber what is your full name?" I asked trying to get information about her parents so I can take her home soon, "Amber.....Clarisse.........m................Macford" she said through choked sobs, now that raised my curiosity, mom's name and now my last name but still it couldn't be him there are a lot of persons in the world with those names...... right?
"Does your mother or father work and if they do where?" I asked turning to face her after pulling out of the parking lot that was starting to look a bit creepy with only a few light posts. " My mommy is a that's the word, my mommy is a lawyer and my daddy is business" she stated rather proudly for a little girl who was just crying desperately, when she said business she must have ment that her dad's a business man,
" Do you know anywhere I can take you where people know  your parents?"  after a few moments of thinking she replied," yes,I think, my daddy took us to one of his friend hotels a couple weeks ago, I think it was something called Alliffina Manhattan.. Yea that's it Alffinia Manhattan" she beamed "is that where we are going?" "Yep"  I said turning a corner,  
" where almost there actually it's where I'm staying, do you know anyone there close to your parents?" "Yes,Trish is what my daddy call's her, he say's she's his friends sister, she's bound to know me we went swimming together" she exclaimed happily, beaming up at me with her big blue doe eyes, half of her cubby little face was swollen and in the colour of black,blue,dark purple and red.... Angry boiled in me at the site of her face............That basterd will pay, whether by my hand or another.

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