4/19/17 -Wednesday

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Today a guy asked me for my snapchat. I slightly hesitantly gave it to him and we started talking. He was actually nice and cute too. I hope things work out for us but I don't know. The last time I fell for someone, I fell hard and it was not good for the amount of time it lasted. 4 years it took me to get over him and I still remember him today. He's the reason I don't believe in love anymore and I'm hoping that maybe one day that'll change. But even though I kinda like someone now, I know it won't last. Why, you may ask, because I'm a screw up. I mess up everything good in my life. I spend life telling the very few people I've trusted, my life's problems, just to watch them walk away. I'm a screwed up girl hiding behind and mask with a fake smile. People pity me, I hate that. They try to fix me, they give up. They don't get that there ain't no fixing me, cause everybody's already tried. But yeah, maybe I'll believe in love again one day. I hope so. -K

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