5/17/17 -Wednesday

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Today I am officially not in junior high anymore! I am now a freshman! I had my last two exams today and I am done. A bunch of my friends and I went to this dessert place and got a bunch of unhealthy crap. I'm definitely gonna have to work out tomorrow. Like a lot of working out. I also went to a party with some friends still in school. They are all still in school for like a month so I definitely was bragging. Like I'm generally not a rude person but with my friends I am. They we so jealous and it was kinda great. Sorry not sorry y'all. But I like the whole freshman thing already. I can't wait for it to be over too. Like can high school just not happen. Can I live my life now. I bet it's nothing like the movies. High school musical lied to me. Ugh can I just live now. Please -K

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