Chapter 5: Old Friends

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'Are you ok?' Sneha asked, brimming with concern.

The soldiers of camp four were brought in the seminar hall to provide medical attention. Few of them had harmless bruises but as Vaibhav got out at last, he had to make an abrupt jump and hit a brick. 
He sat on the stage feeling like a kid who bruised his knee while the army doctor did dressing on his wound. He nodded looking at Sneha. 

'You are done,' the doctor said.

'That was very brave of you, you know making everyone leave before yourself.' Sneha complimented him.

'Thank you.' He stood up.

'I think you should take some rest, sit down again.' Sneha insisted.

'I am fine but don't you have a meeting to attend?' He asked.

'Yes, we have to discuss what just happened and what can be done now. But in a minute.' She said thoughtfully.

'Ok, question. Why does that guy, the one with the big frames keep staring me whenever I talk to you?'

Sneha swiveled to see Jai standing on the door across the room. He lowered his gaze and walked out.

'He means well.' Sneha said looking at the vacant door. She felt uneasy.

'Like Manvender?'

She turned amused. 'What? Who?'

Vaibhav chuckled.

'Ok, he was nice. You guys always teased him.' She defended herself.

'Oh come on, he was like a wild elephant. If we looked at him for more than a minute, he would attack.'

'That's exaggeration.' She waved her hand dismissing his accusation.
You don't remember, we were in ninth grade in our arts class and Anurag asked him if he could sit next to him. The next thing you know, he broke all his brushes just because he mistakenly poked him with his brush.'

Sneha recollected the incident and chuckled.
'He knew it was a dare. You boys played that all the time and three out of five dares were related to him.'
'Can't believe you are still taking his side.' Vaibhav bantered. 

'He was nice to me.'

'He had to be, you were the only girl who talked to him, lend notes and save him from teachers.'

'You are one to talk. You had the meanest girlfriend.' Sneha accused him. 
'Hey, what was wrong with Pragya?'

'Search your memory lane. She used to butter teachers, spread slanders about everyone in school and that nutcase lied to Principal about the mishap at the tour our class took. She blamed me and my closest friends. She would have had us all suspended if it wasn't for our sports teacher to save us.'

'At least Manu never manipulated.' She added. 

'Well, she was jealous of you and your friends. She didn't like me taking notes from you and admiring you from far.'

They elbowed each other, laughing softly.

'Hey! You rat me out too in chemistry class missy.' He broke the moment randomly picking a point to keep him afloat in the debate.

'Please, I did not. You were eating in the class and mam could sniff your food.'

'Really? He said surprised. 'You didn't signal her?'
'No, why would I do that, I sometimes ate too.'

They both laughed at their school memories.

'Sneha, everyone is ready.' Trisha called her from the center of the hall.
'That's my cue. I better go.' She stepped to leave.

'Hey Mafia, I am not the same jerk I was in school.'

'I can see that.' Sneha said playfully.

He grinned. 'Just wanted you to know.'

They stood in silence.

'I will see you after the meeting. If you stay.' She said. 

'I will. All the best for your thing.'


Jai waited for everyone in the guest room, furious and too adamant to accept it. Why should he? He thought to himself. He never expected Sneha to be the one to hurt him. That was one of his problems, expectations.

For months, who is the guy she turns to in need, Jai. But the moment a hunk walks in, she forgets she ever had a friend. 'How selfish is she! That girl used me! He paced up and down the room. His thoughts recalled an advice from his college friend and he couldn't agree more today. 'Never trust girls. Money is girls magnet, earn it and they will come like greedy bees.' Granted his friend spoke when he had a breakup but it was true. He should fight back, punch away girls like Sneha.

As he was going through with his thought, Rajeev sir entered with Dr. Link and Dr. Courtney. 

'What are you doing?' Rajeev sir asked seeing him in a karate position.

'I hope this army stuff is not getting in your head. Don't hurt yourself trying stupid things.' He warned Jai.

'Let me set the projector.' Jai offered, embarrassed and got busy without another word.

Dr. Courtney had requested the deputy to lend her the tape of the acid mission. She watched it again and again, every time with more captivity. Jai re-winded it for the tenth time now. Sneha and Trisha had joined them fifth time, Jai and Sneha had shared a cold stare when she entered. But now everyone was giving one to Dr. Courtney. If only she would notice. She finally told Jai to stop then took a deep breath.

'I think I have an alternative.'

The energy flew back inside the guest room. 

'How?' Dr. Link asked intrigued.

'Remember Link, I was telling you about my current research on microbes found near hot springs?'

'Yes' Dr. Link answered concisely.

'Well, they might work here.'

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