The New Madeline

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Now before we get into the next part of the story I think it may be important to introduce the new Madeline. After her traumatic experience with the RoboMaster she has changed very much since she was a happy little girl. She no longer has her dreams and she suffers from a dangerous loneliness and constant fear. Although, her life has some happy moments. Her dad rob left when she was nine, and was never heard of since. She now lived with Carrie and the Grim Reaper in a smaller house.

Now to describe Madeline, she likes to wear purple clothes and had long red hair down to her shoulders. Her eyes are blue and she almost always has headphones in her ears. Music calms Madeleine and distracts her from the horrors of her imagination. She is the kind of girl who sits at the back of the class, by herself, all alone and never raises her hand, never talks to anyone and never ever smiles. She was different. She was not depressed, but she was lonely. Probably because she had difficulty understanding other people. Trying to speak to another person would be a disaster as she mumbles and always says the opposite of what she's thinking. Now, Madeline doesn't struggle in school as much anymore, as she's got a Tudor to help her. The Tudor was a lovely old man by the name of professor William Stone. He was also a nutcase but Madeleine's family didn't know that. Professor Stone is a scientist, but not a professional one. He doesn't have a degree or anything like that, he's the kind of scientist that creates nuclear weapons in his Garage. Professor Stone understands Madeline, and that probably why she didn't push him away. The two are very close and soon Prof. Stone becomes Madeleine's very first real friend.

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