2: Three Empty Words

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Quick A/N: Morality can play the guitar. Okay continue.

Morality POV

I was sitting in the commons room listening to Shawn Mendes Three Empty Words while reading a book about a thing called star wars, so far it's pretty good & I'm enjoying it, I heard someone walk in so I got up & walked passed said person, turns out it was Logan, don't get me wrong I like Logan but it just hurts how he doesn't understand emotions so to him everything about emotions is empty.

I walked into my room & shut the door, I picked up my guitar, I tuned it right & replayed the song so I could play along while singing but I hopefully don't sing to loud, usually I do it when everyone is out but right now I feel like I should play.

I'll pick you up at the same time
At the same place, the same old drive
We'll just talk about our day
To try and fill the awkward space tonight

We'll play the songs we used to love
While we try to fall in love again, oh
We don't know who's wrong or right
But we don't even care enough to fight

We're going through the motions
'Cause we can't fix what's broken
And I know it's gonna hurt
But darling I'll go first
'Cause I won't keep on saying those three empty words
No, I won't keep on saying those three empty words


Though we're still talking everyday
I'm running out of things to say to you
What's really gonna break my heart
It's to have to tell your little brother

It might be easier to stay
But it'll never be the same, no ohh no
And if something doesn't change
Then we'll keep on sinking further

Oh oh, we're going through the motions, yeah
'Cause we can't fix what's broken
And I know it's gonna hurt
But darling I'll go first
'Cause I won't keep on saying those three empty words

Those three empty words
We'll only make it worse
I'm tired, I can't take anymore
Those three empty words
We'll only make it worse
We tired, we can't take it anymore

We're going through motions
'Cause we can't fix what's broken, no
And I know it's gonna hurt
But darling I'll go first
I won't keep on saying those three empty words
We don't have to keep on saying those three empty words
No, I can't keep on saying those three empty words

I finished playing when I heard a knock on my door "come in" I said placing my guitar under my bed just before said person walks in it was hidden, I look up & see it was Roman "what can I do for you kiddo?" I asked fixing my glasses "just a question" he said "well shoot kiddo I'm listening" "are you avoiding Logan?" He asked looking at me with a serious look "what?! No I'm not!" I exclaimed "ok, that's all, thanks Morality" he said then walked back out, I let out a sigh & picked up the guitar strumming the same song again 'it seems this song fit's this whole situation' I thought to myself when there was another knock, I hid my guitar again "come in".

It was Logan this time "Kiddo what's wrong? You look abit down in the dumps" I said "how do you know when you love someone?" He asked as he closed the door "there's alot of ways really why? Do you 'like' someone?" I asked teasingly "as a matter of fact I do but I don't know if they like me back" he explained as he sat on the edge of my bed "ok well, why is that?" I asked as I sat on my bean bag "I don't want to talk about it, so can you help me?" He asked "sure, so basically some people not all like to be straight forward, or like to avoid them but avoiding can also mean that they don't want to be with them, there's also the chance of them blindly flirting with each other like Prince & Anxiety, they do it all the time" I explained.

"Is that why you avoid me?" He asked looking up at me as I looked down "I have no idea what your talking about" I said "are you sure? You look pretty flushed Morality" Logic interrogated, I let out a sigh & stood up then sat next to Logic on the bed still looking down "alright maybe I have been avoiding you because of certain reasons but I just didn't think you would like me because you can be a clueless moron to emotions most of the time I didn't really want to deal with things going wrong" I explained again.

"You jumped to conclusions" Logic said then kissed my cheek, I looked up at him with wide eyes "I know I'm not good with emotions but give me sometime & help me learn" he said standing up to leave so I stood up too "hey Logic" I said, he turned around "yeah?" I walked up & kissed him "for the effort, I like you too"

Another one done & a whole lot more to go

I like the song choice

Well you chose it

I thought it was fitting

I agree

Peace out gamers even if your not one XD
SarstarPlayZ out!

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