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Virgil POV

I was at home with my brother Thomas & his friend Roman who may I add was hot, he stayed for a while then he went home at about 7 "Virgil! Thomas!" Dad called, Thomas & I raced to the kitchen to see what our dad made us "it's home made pizza tonight boy's" dad said pushing up his foggy glasses up his nose while handing us our plates.

We sat at the table eating our dinner when Thomas's phone dinged, he quickly looked at it then sent back something, he put it away afyer a few minutes "so how was high school today boy's?" Dad asked looking at the both of us "it was cool, I made a new friend today!" Thomas explained "it was lame, I didn't make a new friend I just hung around with Charlie" I explained as I finished my pizza.

Speaking of her she sends me a message just as I was standing up to put my plate away

Charlie(^: : Hey you know the new guy in our class right? The one that's friends with your brother?

Me: yeah dude what about him??

Charlie(^: :Right, I'm deducting that you like him

Me: How do you do it?!?!

Charlie(^: : magic anyway I've gotta go talk later man

Me: ok talk latter

I put my plate in the sink & walk up to my room & started my homework.


I put my books away back in backpack for Monday & got ready for bed. I heard my phone vibrate on the desk beside me, so I picked it up & saw it was a kik request.

Princey: Hi Thomas

Me: Not Thomas, Thomas's older brother

Princey: oh shoot, I'm sorry!

Me: It's alright & I'm pretty sure Thomas is asleep right now so you'd have to catch him another time dude, also who is this??

Princey: Roman, i was over earlier

Me: oh yeah, I remember you

Princey: good thing or a bad thing??

Me: good don't worry

Princey: I thought I was gonna die then

Me: XD dude I wouldn't kill you, you seem pretty cool

Princey: cool we should like hang some time

Me: Yeah alright, where & when?

Priney: I don't know um

Me: Tomorrow morning, I'll pick you up, I know a quiet space we can chill, is Thomas coming too??

Princey: can just be us if you want to

Me: sure, but beware, I am pretty boring

Princey: sure you are, anyway I have to go now, I'll send you my adress in the morning night!

Me: Night Princey :^)

I put my phone on charge & got changed into a pair of sweatpants.

-timeskip again-

Roman gave me his adress as I told him I'm leaving the house, I grabbed 2 helmets & sat one on my head the other on the back.

I swung a leg over the motorcycle & started it up, I backed out then drove down the streets to Romans place which was only a few blocks down.

I pulled up & took my helmet off as he came running out in white skinny jeans & a big red hoodie "nice outfit Princey" I joked but being serious at the same time handing him the other helmet "thank you Anx, nice leather jacket" he pointed out the jacket while also using my nickname.

"Come on let's go" I told him as I moved forward alittle more for him to get on "ok" he got on & I rode off. "Where are we going?" He asked iver the wind "well we're going to go get food then I'm taking you somewhere special to me" I explained to him.

I drove past cars & pulled up into a taco bell car park, we got off & walked in. We ordered our food & sat down at the table waiting for it to be ready

Princey: I'll go up & get the food

Me: you sure??

Princey: yep

Me: ok

We stopped using kik & started having a normal conversation till our food was ready. Roman grabbed our food & sat down, after eating our food & having a drink we were off again this time to my favourite park.

I parked the bike & I saw hardly anyone here but there were people here "come on this way" I said dragging him towards this big tree away from everyone.

"Your not going to kill me?" He asked unsure, your my brothers little friend wouldn't appreciate me if I did now would he?" I asked as I began climbing the in built ladder on the tree, once I climbed up I help Roman up.

We sat in the tree house for hours just talking about random things, then we started using kik again sending random chats again then he began to ask me somethings I took notice of.

Me: you aight??

Princey: yeah I'm fine

Me: if you say so, hey I have another question

Princey:  yeah?

Me: you can leave at any time after this

Princey: I'm not going to leave

Me: ok, I'm Bisexual & I like you

Princey is typing

I looked away from my phone & set it down beside me, I looked away to the window with the moon poking through.

"Virgil...turn around please" he asked in a whisper "ok" I whisper turning to look at him, we stared alittle then leaned forward slowly, our lips touched & we pushed against each other then pulled away.

Leaning my forehead against his I sigh a breath of relief " thank you" I whispered "don't thank me, thank kik & Thomas" Roman smiled "but I thank you for staying in my life" I whispered again kinssing hos gave.

"I knew it!" We heard a yell from below us & it was Thomas yelling "that's Thomas for ya"

"Hmm, Well thank you  this day" Roman said hugging me & kissing my cheek "your love, only telling the truth" I winked kissing his cheek.


Alright I'm going to sleep now so hope you had a nice time & stay alive |-/ yeet

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