We got to the mall and I thought we needed a plan on how to clear it out. I grabed everyone and got them into a huddle.
"Okay, I've got a plan. We'll head in through the fire exit of the Homerun sports store and grab some weapons like a bat or golf club, that way you guys have some means of self-defense. Then we'll make our way to the Armory gun, ammunition, and weapon store and from there we'll split up and take seperate parts of the mall. Got it?"
Everyone nodded.
"Good. Lets move."
We all went around the mall to the fire exit that I escaped through before. I opened the door and the clerk was still there, laying on the ground along with all of the other infected people me and him killed that day. We walked through the door and walked to the baseball bat section. Everybody picked the one that felt most comfortable to them and we started walking down the mall's halls. A couple infected came running at us from about 50 feet away. I used up the last of the ammo in the magizine on them. I reloaded and we kept heading for the Armory. All of a sudden a zombie came from the side and tackled the child and the teen came and cracked its skull. It fell over and the child got up. The zombie started to get up too but the kid started beating it with his bat. I layed still on the ground so I knew it was dead.
" Good job." , I said patting them on the back but thay where to shaken to be proud of themselves. We continued to move through the halls to get to the Armory.
We made it to the store and we went inside.
"Okay, we made it. I would like to know all of your names so I know what to call you by." , I said.
"I'm Henry." , said the old man.
"I'm Jennifer." , said the young woman.
"I'm Kristian." ,said the teenage girl.
"I'm Jack." , said the young man.
"I'm Caleb." , said the child.
" Okay. Henry, go grab a 12 guage shotgun and pistol. Jennifer, go grab a .30-06 rifle and pistol. Kristan go grab you a .22 caliber semi-automatic. Caleb you don't get a gun because you're to young. Jack go get a .30-30 with a scope and get a revolver. Move it! Go! Go!" , I said that and everybody went to get there arsonal. They all came back guns loaded and ready to fire.
" Henry and Kristian, you clear out the West wing. Jennifer and Jack you take the South wing and me and Caleb will go clear the North wing. We'll meet back here to take the East wing. Now move!" , I yelled and everybody split up into two person groups. As me and Caleb started walking up the North wing we heard a couple gunshots.
" Sounds like they've made contact, dosen't it?" , I asked Caleb in a sarcastic tone. Caleb just nodded and started walking again.
Just then two infected came out a shoe store right next to us. I unloaded four rounds into each of them. As we continued I shot seven more wasting only 13 rounds on all of them put together. Just a few seconds later a zombie was sneaking up on us and I turned around and cracked his skull with the butt of my gun. The infected person was about to get up when Caleb started busting the zombie's skull open. It lay there with blood flowing all over the floor from it's head.
" Nice move Caleb." , I said to him. He gave me a smile and walked away we got to the end of the wing and we started to go back. Then six infected broke through the North side main doors and ran at us. I unloaded the rest of the clip on them but two of them were still coming at us.
" Caleb! I'll take one you take the other!" , I yelled to him. He nodded and started swinging and knocking the other zombie while I hit the other one with my .22's butt. I knocked it to the ground,put my .22's butt on the zombies neck to keep the zombie still, pulled out the Glock 17 and shot it right in the head. Brains and blood flew everywhere. I looked at Caleb and he was beating the crap out of the other one till it moved no more.
Caleb and I walked back to the Armory. Henry and Kristian where already back with some blood on there clothes.
" Haven't Jennifer or Jack made it back?" , I asked them starting to wonder.
" We haven't seen them yet." , said Kristian with a small frown.
We could all still hear gunshots and then we saw them hurrying back to where we stood.
"You guys alright?"
" We're fine. We're also ready to take the East side." , awnsered Jack.
" Okay lets move."
We all started walking along the East wing. There were at least 13 infected but I never got a shot off at them because everyone alse killed them before I could. We walked back to the Armory and I told Jennifer, Jack and Henry to go get the other two in the storm shelter. While they were gone Caleb, Kristian, and I started making a blockade with everything we could use in the store. We left a little part open so the others could get through. Three hours later they returned but just with the other child. They went through the blockade and I closed it up.
" What happened? Where's the other guy?" , I asked curiosly.
" The infected got him but we got the boy out and back without problems." , awnsered Henry with a frown on his face.
" So... what's your name kid." , I asked the boy this time.
" Chris." , he said to me. I got up and brought him a bat I got at the sports store when they were gone.
" What's this for?" , Chris asked me with a questionable look on his face.
" It's your self defense weopon. I suggest you use it, it could save your life." , I awnsered him. He took it, nodded and practice swinging it for a few minutes. Then I got up to tell them the plan for sleeping tonight.
" Alright, listen up! Tonight we'll take turns sleeping. Jennifer and Jack have first watch, then me and Kristen, then Caleb and Henry, then me and Chris. It'll keep going in that order until its mourning. We'll go every two hours. If you hear something shine that big flashlight on it. If it's nothing turn it of right away. If it's infected or a demon, shoot it!"
"What's a demon?" , kristian asked.
" You'll know one when you see one." , I awnsered her.
I was so worried about trying to make it through the night. What would happen? More importantly, what would come?