Chapter Five

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"He will never be satisfied

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"He will never be satisfied."


Dimstar had spent most of the night with Peonyflight. The two had stayed awake and conversed amongst one another until the moon had rose to the center of the sky. The two then finally walked back to camp and split up to finally go to their own dens.

He instantly fell asleep, but not before thinking about what had just taken place. He had decided to stay with Peonyflight last night and comforted her. The two had grown awfully close and a relationship that Cloverpool would probably even grow jealous of. That was why Dimstar would keep it all to himself. He would keep it between Peonyflight and him.

It was not like their connection was romantic though, right? Dimstar was Peonyflight's friend and he simply wished to comfort her. Plus, he had Cloverpool and Peonyflight did not seem interested in a true relationship at all.

Or did she?

Dimstar shook his thoughts away as his eyes fluttered open. His ears perked to commotion growing louder and louder outside of his den. He rose to his paws, his eyes brimming with curiousity. What was going on outside of his den? What were cats so loud about?

His eyes narrowed when the commotion shifted into hisses and cries. The fur along his spine rose and his claws unsheathed. Did Jayclaw turn on us? What is going on?

A shiver traveled down Dimstar's spine when the hisses grew louder. He began taking slow paw steps towards the exit of his den, his ears flat against back of his head. He could clearly hear the words that slid free of the cat's outside now.

"Leave her alone!"

"Stay out of this, Redcloud! You don't even know what is going on!"

Dimstar inhaled a large gasp of air and then exhaled. He shut his eyes and braced himself for what dispute was taking place in the middle of camp. He finally stepped outside of his den and froze.

Everything became silent the moment he stepped out. His heart beat louder against his chest and he hesitantly fluttered open his eyes. Every cat's eyes were locked on him after they glanced away from the four cats that were arguing.

Redcloud stood protectively in front of Peonyflight, his fur bushed and his jaws gaped to hiss at his opponents. Smokeflight faced the tom, his tail lashing and his eyes flashing with pure hatred. The instant they spotted Dimstar, they stepped back and eyed the tom as if he was some cat they despised with all of their hearts. When they stepped back, they revealed the last cat who stood behind them.

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