Chapter 22

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It's been a two whole weeks since Trey showed me those pictures he took. I still didn't know what to think about the situation. I just didn't know how August could betray me like that once again. I haven't even spoken to him since the night of our so called "date" and it's killing me. As much as Im trying not to think about what happened, somehow my minds goes right back to that place. I've tried everything possible to get it out of my head or make up some type of logical excuse, but nothing worked.

For the past few days now, I've been taking the night shift at Serenity. Throwing myself into my work seemed like the only thing that works just a little. I sat down on one of the couches and eyed the box in the corner that I asked Ellis to move weeks ago. "Does he ever listen?" I said to myself. I rolled my eyes and glanced at my phone screen. "10:45" I said in a sigh. "Closing in 15." I said to myself. I sat my phone down next to me and leaned back into the couch with my eyes closed. I kinda new this was a bad idea, seeing as how I couldn't get August off my brain. I took a deep breath, trying to relax, when my phone vibrated beside me. "Please don't be him." I said lowly. I haven't returned any of his calls and texts so I wouldn't besuprised if he was calling again.I picked up my phone to see "Kerri" flashing across my screen. I smirked a little and then answered.

ME: "Hello?"

KERRI: "Hey, you left yet?"

I sighed.

ME: "Nope, Im closing in 15 though...I guess ima call it a night."

Kerri chuckled.

KERRI: "You think? You've been there all damn day girl, you know your only staying there all night so you won't go home and think about August."

I was silent for a second.

ME: "Thats not true.....entirely."

Kerri sucked her teeth.

KERRI: "Yes it is and you know it, you need to find a different way to cope with your feelings."

I sighed.

ME: "I know, I know but nothing's working, this is the only thing that's calming me."

KERRI: "Fine....if you say so, but I honestly think you need to find something else to do...but call me when your locking up so I can know your safe."

ME: "Will do."

I hung up the phone and shoved it in my back pocket. I knew damn well Kerri was right, but NOTHING else worked like work. I sighed and got up from the couch. "Guess I might as well do something to kill these last few minutes." I said looking around. I decided on moving the box that I asked Ellis to move to the back. I picked up the box and headed back to the storage room. I glanced over at the wigs that Ellis just left laying back here on the storage room table. I giggled to myself and sat the box down next to me. I pulled up a chair and stood on it, grabbing the box and putting it over my head. "Ok, short people shouldn't be doing this shit." I mumbled. I stood on my tippy toes trying to place the box on the shelf when all of a sudden the lights went out.

"Shit!" I said lowly. "Now I need to call the damn electrictian." I said in a sigh. I placed the box on the shelf and stepped down off the chair, surrounded by darkness. All of a sudden, an erie feeling surpassed me, but I decided just to shake it off. I pulled out my iphone and turned on my flashlight. I shined the light over to the door, I frowned a little when I noticed it was closed. "....Ok I definetely didn't close the door behind me."I said in a whisper. If I wasn't scared before, I definetely was scared now, I began to realize maybe the lights cutting off wasn't an electrical problem.

I shined the light all around me until I checked all four corners off the room. I took a sigh of relief and rubbed my forehead. "Ok, calm down Simone, nothing is gunna happ-" All of a sudden,I felt somebody tackle me to the ground. My phone flew out of my hand, leaving me in the stranger in complete darkness. I tried crawling away, but someone pulled me back. "Get the fuck off me!!!" I shouted. I kicked my legs into the darkness, hoping that I was hitting whoever it was. I felt my left leg grabbed in mid-kick. "Please let me go!!!!" I screamed again. "Stop squirming bitch!!!" The man yelled. I tried kicking some more but all he did was grab me tighter, I looked around for my phone, just to see a dim light flashing far away from me.

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