Chapter 1- Addison

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''OMG! He's so hot!'' squealed Delilah.

''I know right! He's so cute!'' Ashley joined in as she was sitting on my bed talking about cute guys in our high school.

Then I started fantasizing about my boyfriend Liam. We were perfect for each other. I was the captain of the cheerleading squad and he was the football quarterback.

My name is Addison and I am the most popular girl in Samuel Adams High. I have pin straight, long blond hair that falls to the middle of my back and bright blue eyes. Boys just adore me so much that I can't keep them away!

Then there's Delilah, my best friend. She is the also very popular in Adams High. She has breathtaking pitch-black hair with large curls going up to her shoulders. Delilah also has emreald green eyes and olive skin. She is astonishingly beautiful and boys love her a lot too.

And finally there's Ashley, she kinda just follows me around cause I'm popular but we spend a lot of time together so I guess she's my friend.

''Girls! Dinner's ready!'' My mom hollered right before we were going to paint our nails.

"Ok Mom! Be there in a sec!" I yelled back.

"Ok Mrs. Fenseta,'' Delilah and Ashley called in unison.

We ran down the stairs really fast to meet my mom.

"Thanks Mom! It looks really good!" I complimented her.

"Sorry Mrs. Fenseta," Delilah said, "but I am a vegan now so I can't eat this."

"Oh sorry Delilah I didn't know..."

"Don't worry I was just joking I love meat! How did you fall for that! You guys know I'm a full on carnivore!"

"Oh that's good because I wasn't planning on feeding you anything else!"

"Oh, umm, well..."

" Wow I can't believe that you actually fell for that! All of you know that I'm not that much of a horrible parent and that one of my many hobbies is cooking for other people! How do you like that! I tricked you back!"

"Ok guys. Why don't we all eat our meat filled dinner before it gets cold and talk later because I don't know about you but personally, I'm starving!" Ashley said, starting to gulp down the meal.

We finished our dinner pretty fast and we went upstairs to paint our nails.

"I want purple!" Ashley said.

"I want neon pink!" said Delilah.

"And I want orange!" I said.

I was really rich so I had a lot of things. First of all I had all the nail polish colours and I had 5 closets, one for really fancy clothes, one for casual clothes, one for pyjamas and workout clothes, one for clothes for parties and one for my school uniforms. We lived in a mansion and whenever my friends and I had a sleep over we always stayed here.

"Tomorrow is the first day of school so I think we should get some sleep." I said once we were done painting our nails and we were in our pyjamas.

"Ok night." Delilah and Ashley said to me.

"Night guys."I replied.

The next morning all three of us took a shower, put on one of my many really pretty outfits, put on our makeup, ate breakfast and went out to the garage.

"Which car do you want to take?" I asked.

"Let's take the Land Rover," they squealed excitedly.

"Ok then the Land Rover it is."

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