Chapter 4

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Summer's POV

As I walked out of that room, tears were falling. I don't know why I said that I loved him mind hated him but my heart still loved him. What do I do?

I walked up to Master.

"Okay, I'm ready...kill me now," I said trying to sound brave but the truth is I'm afraid but it's good to know that I will be saving Freddy and the others too.

"No," said The Master? What does he mean by no?

"WHAT do you mean? We made a deal, you kill me you let go of them! Now, kill me!" I shouted at him.

"I mean...I cannot kill you. How could a father kill his own daughter?" he said in a 'duh' tone.

Father? What does he mean? Is he my dad?

"I don't're my dad?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, I'm your father," he said while taking off his mask.

I gasped in surprise.

"Uncle Austin?!?!?!?!" I shouted in joy and surprise.

"Hell yeah! It's ME!!!" he shouted. Wait, how can he be my dad?

"'re my dad?" I asked.

" see. When, your real mother was pregnant, my best friend who happens to be your mother's ex boyfriend came to our house. He threatened to kill you if I don't let him marry her. He said I have 3 days to make my decision. So, at the third day. Your mother begged me to save you... She really loves you, Summer. After I said that he could have her...I made a deal with him. He will only marry her after you were born. See, the real reason that I kidnapped you was so, I could be near you. The people I asked you to kill was him and his bodyguards," he explained.

"So, if you are my father...then, who is dad?" I questioned.

"He's my brother," he said. dad is my uncle and my uncle is my dad. Confusing, right? I don't know how to react to this. Should I jump up and down and hug him? Should I be mad at him for leaving me for 17 years? What do I do???

"Um...okay, d-dad," I stuttered.

"I missed you, Summer," he embraced me in a hug and suddenly I hear someone shout. I know that voice. It's Freddy.

"I don't care. I love her and only her!" is what I hear as dad and I run in.

"What is going on?" said dad.

By the way, the one who plays summer's real dad is Ross Lynch. Thanks for ready my story guys. Bye

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